wings造句151. Nowadays, even wings are expected, like everyone else, to keep the ball available.
152. Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.Plato
153. Green and purple dotted the water, leaves bobbing like butterfly wings.
154. In distinctive display flight flaps upwards at a steep angle and then glides down with wings scarcely upraised.
155. And the rare kisses given me feel like butterfly wings against my cheeks.
156. He who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet.Joseph Joubert
157. She trailed around the room picking up beer bottles, looking oddly like a bee with broken wings.
158. The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.Denis Waitley
159. Flying this kite among the otherwise conventional swept wings on a breezy day was initially eerie.
160. More shots rang out, and presidential security guards raced on to the stage from the wings, guns drawn, some blazing.
161. You just tape her by the wings to an applicator stick using Scotch tape.
162. Wings embracing, they play in bright sunlight, Necks caressing roam the blue clouds.
163. If men had wings and bore black feathers, Few of them would be clever enough to be crows.Henry Ward Beecher
164. Solar Wings of Wiltshire were given the award for their plane the Quasar.
165. Juvenile black on head, with smaller crest, buffer underparts and rufous flash in wings.
166. Black and white below, pigeon-size, smallish head, dark beady eyes, long wings tucked to sides.
167. The source said there were at least two other potential bidders waiting in the wings, but would not identify them.
168. She hopped clear and opened her wings and in one sudden jump was up on the bare branch.
169. They skimmed low, passing so close to Simon that their wings beat at his head.
170. Everybody has to die. Why cry, when you have wings to fly!RVM
171. To some extent this has been ameliorated by providing cookers on each of the wings.
172. This makes the wings very soft to the touch and probably cuts down noise from feathers moving against one another during flight.
173. The bird adopts a characteristic squatting posture with its wings thrust forward to allow the ants access to the important feather tracts.
174. Some were already asleep in the long grass, beaks tucked under wings.
175. One of the largest land birds of the region, showing much white on black-tipped wings in flight.
176. Don't just follow the herd. Be like a bird. Open your wings and fly high in the sky!RVM
177. Did he bank and dive, his finger on the button, his guns blazing from the wings?
178. BAe is a world leader in designing and making wings for civil or military aircraft.
179. Crouching low by the wall of the stables was a black cat, eating a bird whose wings were still twitching.
180. He was right there in front of me, white wings and a blue robe with gold buttons.