快好知 kuaihz

1 The drug works by increasing levels of serotonin in the brain. 2 Serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates well-being, calmness and satiety, can be restored by eating carbohydrates. 3 This drug is both a histamine and a serotonin antagonist, and it also has anticholinergic properties. 4 Another line of research linking alcohol and serotonin involves rats bred for their avid preference for alcohol. 5 The effects of serotonin on gastrointestinal motor function are generally believed to be mediated through myenteric plexus neurons. 6 These deliver serotonin to wide areas of the brain and spinal cord. 7 It works by boosting the supply of serotonin a chemical produced naturally in the brain. 8 Serotonin is just one of the neurotransmitters under investigation as neuroscientists continue to explore how alcohol works in the brain. 9 Successful human students have high serotonin levels; people of low status tend to have low serotonin levels. 10 Ones that enhance the serotonin effects are often helpful in chronic pain disorders. 11 And since serotonin levels drop just before your period, your body will look for ways to pump it back up. 12 Drugs that enhance the effectiveness of norepinephrine and serotonin are commonly used as antidepressants. 13 The other argument for prescribing serotonin reuptake inhibitors has been their reported lower toxicity in overdose compared with some antidepressants. 14 In the long term production of serotonin is reduced, leading to depression most suicides have low serotonin levels. 15 However, disagreement exists about the role of serotonin reuptake inhibitors in treating major depression. 16 Serotonin somehow exerts a calming influence on the mind. 17 Levels of serotonin and prolactin were not music therapy. 18 One hypothesis: the former group may like alcohol so much because it helps compensate for their genetically faulty serotonin machinery. 19 We reviewed the evidence for the efficacy and acceptability of serotonin reuptake inhibitors compared with the tricyclic and related antidepressants by meta-analysis. 20 Another theory suggests that estrogen levels, which increase after ovulation, inhibit the release of serotonin in the brain. 21 New thinking on sadness suggests that it is the result of depressed serotonin levels. 22 There is, however, abundant evidence that many patients vulnerable to clinical depression have a constitutional deficit of serotonin. 23 Serotonin syndrome can be caused by any drug that boosts serotonin levels or increases the sensitivity of serotonin in the brain. 24 The answer to that may be that lowering cholesterol influences the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter which affects mood. 25 Such results may be explained by the hypothesis that serotonin is more responsible for regulating mood than for controlling alcohol cravings. 26 About every 100 minutes or so during sleep, both the norepi and serotonin systems virtually shut down. 27 Studies in animals that live in hierarchies have shown that secretion of serotonin responds to changes in status. 28 Dexfenfluramine, which is currently awaiting FDA approval, also increases serotonin levels. 29 One direct consequence of the amino acid changes is the well recognised reduction in dopamine and serotonin turnover. 30 During the initial phase, newly formed mast cell components such as histamine, serotonin, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes may be released.