快好知 kuaihz

(121) Comparing the pretax number in one country with the posttax number in another is somewhat meaningless. (122) Stocks whose Tickers are readily pronounceable or evoke positive images (like BUD, KAR or LUV) outperform those with clumsy, meaningless Tickers like PXG or BZH -- at least in The short run. (123) Yells : Cry for mercy! Your meaningless lives will soon be forfeit. (124) Games repeatedly and racily played on sand seem quite absurd in adults' eyes, for they can't figure out why such a meaningless thing can keep us in constant interest. (125) Widespread political and economic disarray threatens to make the constitution meaningless. (126) All the fine Kuomintang laws on this subject were meaningless unless landlordism itself were abolished. (127) word-for-word translations from one language to another often result in ungrammatical or meaningless sentences. This can be illustrated by translating the following French sentences. (128) His conclusion is that the meaningless information is very difficult to remember. (129) Laugh or cry as you, and it is meaningless to oppress yourself! (130) The world feels slightly empty and meaningless without e-grifter requests from Nigerian widows and high-ranking government officials. (131) The 26 inherently meaningless letters of the Roman alphabet suited the technology perfectly, and within three decades there were print shops in every corner of the continent. (132) Therefore, if a place or another place with the United States to prove the existence or non-U . S. real estate market bubble is certainly meaningless. And the U . (133) Some combinations of input values produce meaningless results: for instance, what meaning can be assigned to the arithmetic sum of the ASCII representation of the character A and a TRUE flag? (134) Viewed this way, all work is pretty meaningless, whether you are journalist, banker, busker or government minister. (135) That's just squishy enough to be almost meaningless -- it could provide a basis for either keeping or getting rid of Cisco's remaining consumer businesses. (136) But when people feel meaningless,[.com] Van Tilburg found that they are more likely to engage in behaviour they believe will re-establish their sense of meaningfulness. (137) It is difficult to believe nowadays the order of nature indulged in any such meaningless comments. (138) Communism is merely some meaningless utopian notion, in some far-off never-never land. (139) A server application is fairly meaningless if it cannot service multiple clients at the same time, usually asynchronous I/O calls and multithreading is used for this purpose. (140) I am typically very judgmental andself - help books and typically find them self - satisfied and generally meaningless. (141) I not say meaningless idle words, and it makes me feel pure chang. (142) But, my sort of meaningless response would be stereotypical of what? (143) When a patent right yields no more profits, protection becomes meaningless. (144) The most original playwright of the Theater of Absurd is Samuel Beckett, who wrote about human beings living a meaningless life in an alien, decaying world. He first play, Waiting fro Godot. (145) Other people -which were to them like Action Man toys to be dismembered, or Barbie Dolls to be obscenely defiled - become as meaningless in their humanity as pixillated dots on a screen. (146) He contemplates the book for hours as random, meaningless, non-Euclidean reality invades it, forcing it to register the presence of a world it cannot describe. (147) With such a difference in part performance, a cost comparison would be meaningless. (148) If you feel deep emptiness even completely meaningless emptiness, it's because Nietzsche. (149) But even today, if you ask most PRI - istas to articulate their party's political philosophy, you'll get rollo, or meaningless blah-blah . (150) We have now established that the anamnesis appears more than usually suspect to the psychotherapist, and that clinical diagnosis is, for his purposes, well-nigh meaningless.