ineffective造句121. Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi was "feckless, vain, and ineffective as a modern European leader", according to Elizabeth Dibble, US charge d'affaires in Rome.
122. Conclusion Azithromycin has good effect for non-gonococcal urethritis and ineffective for multi-form merger syphilis, cutaneous deficiency regression after use Benzathine Benzylpenicillin.
123. If they prove ineffective they should be demoted or asked to retire.
124. After the formation of cysts because of the protection of mucosa drugs will become ineffective deworming must be done beforehand.
125. Major social sector institutions are often viewed as inefficient, ineffective, and unresponsive.
126. The challenge now, they said, is to test the hypothesis that "dieting is ineffective because it is a stressor.
127. Extensively used in commercial landscape applications, their diffused light makes them ineffective for spotlighting and fixtures require internal electronics.
128. These verbs mean to make something ineffective by if by applying an opposite or counterbalancing force.
129. When we're caught off-guard, we're more likely to fall back into old, ineffective habits like the combat mentality.
130. The monoclonal against HER2 receptor is ineffective in prostate cancer which may be explained by the presence and the potential effect of HER2 C-terminal fragment.
131. These engineers viewed many web sites in the WWW as ineffective, confusing, and disarrayed.
132. Over the long period of time, microeconomic theory holds that competition is effective with ineffective monopoly.
133. It is forgery even if the document is incomplete or ineffective in law.
134. In die design, the pressure center of stamping die is calculated generally using analytic method or schematic method. But these methods are cockamamie, ineffective and fallible.
135. The Bligh Reef's remote location (accessible only by boat or helicopter), a lack of oil skimming equipment and ineffective chemical dispersants made a speedy response difficult.
136. The machine has encryption functions. By pressing the locking key, it enters the machine into a protection status. Any key you press is ineffective.
137. Regulation remains largely ineffective (in fact, the industry has managed to demonize the word), the big banks are too important to fail, and interest rates are low across the yield curve.
138. The enemy bombers were ineffective because they were fighting at close quarters.
139. The experiment of anti tumor on animals indicates triterpenes have the best effect, while sterol is ineffective.
140. Existing drugs, such as pyrimethamine, are becoming increasingly ineffective as the parasite develops resistance to them.
141. The experiment shows that if the current amplifier factor is big, Junction J_3 is hard and the ineffective trigger branch current is low, the turn-on time can be shorten effectively.
142. It is ineffective to take any single way for rice every - year promoting precocity.
143. Paraphrasing his last paragraph yields, It will be an ineffective token gesture, but we should tax the super rich anyway.
144. Because requirements gathering is the foundation of the development cycle, an ineffective or ill-chosen requirements gathering process greatly increases the probability that your project will fail.
145. These verbs mean to make something ineffective by or as if by applying an opposite or counterbalancing force.
146. On the one hand, it imprudently categorizes laws as just and unjust. On the other hand, what it advises people to do is ineffective and will breed a horrible consequence.
147. According to the improvement results, then some feasible ways for ineffective DMUs are put forth, which provides a reference base of making decision and scientific management.
148. The program was active in fits and starts, and it was essentially killed in 2004 because it was deemed ineffective, former and current intelligence officials said.
149. It is difficult to believe that recourse to moral suasion by a Fed chairman would be ineffective.
150. Leaded gasoline produces emissions containing lead, which coats the metals in the converter, rendering them ineffective.