快好知 kuaihz

121 A court has power to make a s8 order whether or not it varies or discharges the supervision order. 122 Students complete a research-based project in fourth year under individual staff supervision. 123 There have been a few telephone calls and some occasional supervision on my part. 124 There is no substitute for adequate training, instruction and supervision. 125 As a junior nurse it is important that you receive extra instruction and practice under supervision before caring for these patients. 126 The need for occasional supervision at least when working with the dying can not be overstated. 127 This may herald a move to a less self-regulatory approach to supervision of the financial services industry. 128 More probation hostels were urgently needed for young persons, and hostels should be provided for adult offenders who required strict supervision. 129 It is the supervision by the court that is the main difference between a compulsory winding up and voluntary winding up. 130 Furthermore, school supervision of the activities is precisely the kind of entanglement that is impermissible under constitutional precedents. 131 Effective supervision of securities firms of their employees and agents is a foundation of the federal regulatory scheme of investor protection. 132 This has been shown to be an effective and rapid method of training but it does require intensive supervision from an adult. 133 I want to bring some of those issues into the professional forum in supervision sessions. 134 Fourth-year students carry out an original research project under staff supervision. 135 However, despite their steady growth, the provision of day centres and independent living under supervision remains limited. 136 Available at a small charge and with special supervision given, the spa can provide you with a healthy breakaway in Amsterdam. 137 Parties of children are only admitted during public opening hours with adult supervision. 138 Relevant proceedings are pending if they are in progress at the date the application for a care or supervision order is filed. 139 First, and most important, it liberates genetically abnormal organisms into the environment with the minimum of supervision. 140 In-service training, weekly group meetings and monthly supervision sessions were all provided for the home care aides. 141 Managers are frequently willing to transfer responsibility for performing certain tasks, particularly under supervision. 142 We will increase the number of bail hostel places,[.com] to enable closer supervision of those on bail. 143 More accurate figures are being made available with improved central bank supervision of external money markets. 144 Opportunities for joint supervision with members of staff from these bodies are available when suitable candidates with appropriate research topics present themselves. 145 It could not be done by direct supervision because of the inability of management to be present at the face frequently enough. 146 The Court of Appeal exercises the functions both of review and of supervision. 147 Legislation will be introduced to improve the supervision of charities. 148 The local authority also undertakes supervision of children and this replaces the previous probation order. 149 Relative invisibility and freedom from direct supervision liberate field staff from some of the constraints found in other occupations. 150 In practice this might require constant supervision of the patients over the course of several weeks.