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31, He fell sick with malaria on a trip to Africa. 32, He picked up malaria when he was visiting the country on business. 33, Anton caught malaria while he was in Mali, and nearly died. 34, Last year the hospital treated over forty cases of malaria. 35, It was malaria, but Dr Lee hadn't recognized the symptoms. 36, Certain mosquitoes transmit malaria. 37, One of the biggest tasks will be to control the spread of malaria. 38, The end of the hot season in the tropics predisposes to malaria. 39, There are four variants of malaria, all transmitted to humans by a particular family of mosquitoes. 40, In some parts of the world malaria is still pandemic. 41, Next week, health ministers gather in Amsterdam to agree a strategy for controlling malaria. 42, Roll on the day someone develops an effective vaccine against malaria. 43, Men were dying daily from malaria, dysentery and malnutrition. 44, Some house 50,000 people, many with malaria. 45, I did a very poignant malaria detection kit video. 46, Malaria is still common in many parts of Africa. 47, Mosquitoes are carriers of malaria. 48, Malaria is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. 49, Some progress was made upon a few, particularly the reduction of major epidemics of malaria, cholera, smallpox and yellow-fever. 50, They sometimes went two or three days without food; many succumbed to malaria, cholera and other diseases en route. 51, The paper could prove enormously important to the future of the 200 million malaria sufferers around the world. 52, The idea, if it proves correct, explains many seemingly-inconsistent research findings in malaria. 53, His whole body was clammy with sweat as a result of the malaria. 54, In his magazine, he published formulas for animal manures and prescriptions for the cure of snake bites and malaria. 55, Malaria: discovery by committee Perhaps the best known of all recent antimalarial drugs is chloroquine. 56, Malaria is still a common disease in West Africa and is often fatal. 57, They evolved in the bloodstreams of people in hot countries as a defence against malaria and occur mainly in black people. 58, Malaria that is invulnerable to drugs is spreading across the world. 59, Malaria is a common hazard of life in the region. 60, Malaria is particularly common near swamps where mosquitoes can breed.