快好知 kuaihz

31. She might feel how sharper than a serpent's tooth it was to have a thankless child. 32. BEING a Middle East peace envoy is a thankless task. 33. Why do this thankless task may also be a matter of and ruin, not desirable. 34. My study habits have gone down the tubes. I started out working in a disciplined way at our quiet, well-lighted kitchen table. But I'm becoming frustrated with this thankless process. 35. You don't have to trudge to work every day slaving away for a thankless boss. 36. It was also thankless. 37. I shall be only too grateful to them for taking a very difficult and thankless job off my hands. 38. What I believed would be a spectacular work experience swiftly revealed itself to be a series of thankless performances in such splashy venues as cafeterias and dormitory lobbies.