快好知 kuaihz

91. The recent shift towards indirect taxation would have lowered even further the position of this country in the comparative scene. 92. The notion that spending and taxation would be balanced over some notional trade cycle was never realistic politics. 93. We will review sports taxation, reform the Sports Councils and make football grounds safe for spectators. 94. If more were financed privately then taxation could be reduced and incentives increased accordingly. 95. Under the last Government, debt rose to unprecedented levels, which was essentially postponed taxation on future generations. 96. Next, the system contained a very sophisticated method of taxation and income redistribution. 97. The firm provides a full range of audit, accounting, taxation and consulting services. 98. We inherited a situation in which there were penal rates of taxation, which we reduced. 99. The prolonged recession wrecked Government finances, as income from taxation fell and spending on social security rose. 100. He announced large increases in spending on social welfare, education and the environment while stressing his commitment to low taxation. 101. Direct taxation - including forced loans and benevolences - produced only about 35 percent. 102. Taxation is an occasion when some one in judicial office will see your file and this will be a reflection on your firm. 103. The government's budget was strengthened by increased customs revenue and more particularly by a spectacular rise in indirect taxation. 104. A universal system of health insurance known as Medicare, funded from general taxation, was introduced in 1984. 105. This allows the project to be granted favorable investment and taxation provisions, including the full repatriation of profits. 106. Taxation Tin the circular flow has been interpreted as income taxation and is the difference between gross and disposable income. 107. In addition, government policies on taxation and welfare benefits will have a significant influence. 108. Graeme Macdonald compares experience of arguments between substance and form in the financial reporting and taxation contexts. 109. Elorriaga had decided to withdraw when Congress refused to support his proposals on taxation and on the refunding of the public debt. 110. Sales taxes are another form of indirect taxation popular in the South. 111. This is of limited use in personal injury work where these items can not be recovered separately on a taxation. 112. With most forms of taxation, there is the consolidation of contributing towards a social purpose. 113. Leakages of saving, taxation, and imports will fall as income declines until once again total leakages equal total injections. 114. They accept, that is to say, that the order of the court and the taxation consequent thereon will effectively quantify their contractual right. 115. It is thus important to see the influence of the taxation system on work incentives in this wider perspective. 116. The excessive concern with disincentive effects has resulted in a less equitable system of taxation. 117. They also plan to push for economic measures to reduce promotion and sales, and boost taxation of tobacco products. 118. How the House conducts its affairs, particularly on questions affecting taxation of our constituents, is of great importance. 119. The future of new director general John Birt is in question because of his taxation arrangements. 120. However, both of the early measures required quite large subventions from taxation.