快好知 kuaihz

stand on造句
(61) She bought a hot dog from a stand on a street corner and wolfed it down. (62) They babied over you in high school,but you'll have to stand on your own two feet at university. (63) Without written evidence, we don't have a leg to stand on. (64) Stand on this side of me so Dad can get a photo. (65) He could still stand on his story even when the truth was put before him. (66) Soon after it was born, the calf got up and tried to stand on its shaky legs. (67) To be honest, the thought of jumping out of a moving aeroplane makes my hair stand on end. (68) Holloway went over there to stand on the corner. (69) These others stand on something they said. (70) Able to stand on her own feet. (71) Turn around. Stand on the edge. (72) Stand on the skis with your feet well apart. (73) He resisted an impulse to stand on a chair. (74) The work will stand on a 2m plinth. (75) Don't stand on the box or it'll break. (76) I stand on the balcony, sniffing the dawn air. (77) Caravans stand on muddy plots of waste land. (78) An interlocutory injunction could not stand on its own. (79) I stand on tiptoe to lift it. (79) Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! (80) Do not stand on chairs to reach something at ceiling level. (81) I've been hearing rumours about his methods of taming his crew ... things to make your hair stand on end. (82) Katina puts out her best potted plant on a stand on the pavement in the summer. (83) I felt the hairs stand on my head; my legs were fast emptying. (84) So just where does Bernard stand on the great guitar solo debate? (85) Look for bits of the programme that could stand on their own. (86) I'm not sure where I stand on the issue of gun control. (87) The latter stand on a right of self-determination in matters that touch individual opinion and personal attitude.... (88) Yet now, after 15 years of political agony over the budget, we stand on the verge of success. (89) One would stand on a chair and cut a piece off at mealtimes. (90) The sea captain was led down from the wharf to the beach, to stand on the platform beneath the gallows beam.