electric power造句61. The paper makes a survey of competitive intelligence implementation on 5 enterprises that belongs to Shanghai electric power station, and makes a program of action based on the survey.
62. The application of superconductors in electric cable, transformer, motor, fault current limiter and energy storage will bring forth a new phase of development of the electric power technology.
63. Transformers are expensive facilities in the electric power system; insulation aging, however, leads to the end of transformer service life.
64. Then, when it snaps back, it creates a coronal mass ejection, which can disrupt communications and even electric power transmission on Earth.
65. This article is about the management theory of electric power market and proof analysis.
66. WANG Xifan. Power system optimization and planning. Beijing: Hydraulic and Electric Power Press, 1990.
67. Main characteristics of the electronic-controlled electric power steering system are analyzed. The developing present situation and prospect of this system are introduced.
68. Electricity meters auto transcription system are developed for improving the electric power measure devices and power consumption management.
69. The electric power industry is a critical part of economic infrastructure.
70. In 1935 Congress established the Rural Electrification Administration ( REA ) [/electric power.html], which extended electric power lines the countryside.
71. The system operator has three main functions : transfer (inter-regional and international transit), process control and balance of the electric power system.
72. The paper presented a special vehicle fuel cell diagnosis device which including control unit, fuel gas supply unit, power conditioning unit, cooling unit, and electric power consumer unit.
73. The electric power deregulation has led electric power enterprises very difficult to do integrated resources planning(IRP) because generation, transmission and distribution were to be unbundled.
74. Electric power marketing audit is a systemic marketing control tool.
75. Induct electric power cable , shell up the destine length.
76. Sudden short - circuit of synchronous machine is the most serious fault in electric power system.
77. This paper application of optimization theory concerning the selection of parameters in electric power filters.
78. Other topics include deregulation and restructuring in the electric power industry.
79. Shunt Compensation is an important measure in improvement of Electric Power System Stability.
80. Management that enhances the main machine equipments, increases its utilization and reliability, is the core of equipments management in the hydraulic and electric power station.
81. In order to adapt the new mode of electric power market and settle the problem of optimizing unit commitment, an on-line load optimal dispatch system is developed in this paper.
82. Capability of power-assisted steering is a crucial factor for Electric Power Steering System, capability of power-assisted steering directly influences the safety of vehicle steering.
83. With reform of the electric power system, the power generation enterprises pay more attention to efficiency of boiler burning.
84. Therefore it could have important meaning in controlling risk and healthy dealing that analyzing the project loan risk and making the risk avoiding method to the loan of electric power project.
85. Nan thermoelectricity and the Mawan electric power two power plants are in Guangdong Province the large and middle scale power plants.
86. This algorithm and ideas have preferable utility value in three zone setting computation of protections in electric power system.
87. Complex network can be tangible objects in the Euclidean space, such as electric power grids, the Internet, highways or subway systems, and the neural network.
88. This paper presents an electric data real-time measurement system composed of network instrument at the electric power station.
89. Electric power station always measures moisture as received coal through samples and lab measurements.
90. The system performance of the various components are fully tested automotive electric power steering system assembly, factory testing and repair aspect of the essential.