快好知 kuaihz

61. Without hesitation, the assembled citizens roared assent. 62. He gazed at the assembled company. 63. The family was assembled at a wed-77. 64. Two practitioner-based advisory bodies were also assembled. 65. The bike can easily be assembled in thirty minutes. 66. What an ill-organized, hotchpotch, casually assembled, patchwork life. 67. A large crowd had assembled opposite the American embassy. 68. Then a team assembled the column. 69. Analysts photocopied, proofread, and assembled breathtakingly dull securities documents for ninety and more hours a week. 70. Once assembled, they are welcomed by the captain and the judge for the day gives a short address. 71. I looked down onto the square, where a large crowd had assembled. 72. Therefore, they found themselves needing to cross the group boundaries in getting products engineered and assembled. 73. Nearly 500 regular folks, assembled from around the country, questioned several candidates. 74. But once in the workshop they assembled all the workers and gave speeches. 75. Marine scientists were pretty sure a coral reef, like any complex ecosystem, must be assembled in the correct order. 76. Fifty runs were assembled in the first 15 overs, but even maintaining that rate required a certain air of desperation. 77. Modestly numbered and sparely equipped, they had just bested the greatest army the Federal government had ever assembled. 78. Thus Scotese has assembled all the pieces of information in a way that brings out the geophysical underpinnings of a region. 79. When she was politely asked about her father's health her reply startled the assembled company. 80. Although I am not yet sure that I have solved the mystery, I have assembled evidence which clarifies what happened. 81. The spokesman returned in a state of even greater perplexity to confront the television cameras and assembled press corps. 82. I'd already noted the very different methods of the four who had assembled. 83. Nevertheless, as the team assembled in their headquarters, there was an air of quiet confidence. 84. This will make it easier to lift the assembled pizza on to the baking stone. 85. After fetching the wagon bed, they rolled out the wheels and axles and assembled the vehicle. 86. Yet that is precisely the aim of the substantial anti-environment bloc Republicans have assembled in Congress. 87. A second group of police assembled behind the marchers, effectively hemming them in. 88. They briskly lined up the assembled into columns of four and marched them away in shifts. 89. On the positive side, the authors have assembled a wealth of material. 90. Hardly had the team unpacked and assembled their equipment than the Inspector reported on the radio that the dell was clear.