快好知 kuaihz

31. He had a good ironic smile when he smiled, which was very infrequently. 32. Although they are little known and infrequently seen, they are enormously abundant. 33. They are used far too infrequently by plaintiffs' solicitors and are resisted, unfortunately, by many insurers. 34. Not only this, but the town was not infrequently some distance away from the school. 35. This long-passed-by and relatively infrequently visited church has two historic treasures of National significance. 36. Nowadays I am obsessional about checking the gadget, particularly as I use it infrequently. 37. They are convicted of physical harm or damage infrequently and they are in general petty and trivial offenders. 38. But Merlins are not infrequently recorded along the Downs and are seen very occasionally further inland. 39. Differential diagnosis of the disease is not infrequently difficult. 40. Not infrequently he was termed Hurry Skurry. 41. The big ones come infrequently. 42. Not infrequently does the septuagenarian go abroad. 43. For infrequently used items pack them long before moving. 44. When we are isolated and poor, we are not infrequently forgotten. 45. Attacks involving roadside I.E.D.s (improvised explosive) or suicide bombings are the norm as opposed to armies that once clashed directly—and not infrequently decisively—with each other. 46. Moreover, the explanatory prose is haphazard (and not infrequently wrong or incoherent -- for example, I cannot make heads or tails of the lead-in to the very first example, prime.py). 47. Extends disk space by storing infrequently used files in a secondary storage media. 48. Politics is hardly a science and it too infrequently depends on reason. 49. Bugs that would occur infrequently or bugs that appear in little - used features may be dismissed. 50. The potential complications of varicocele repair occur infrequently and are usually mild. 51. When the wave conditions are right a wave appears, infrequently, as a result of the splash back off the cliff connecting with an incoming wave. 52. Hugs are dispensed infrequently, but if I do hug someone, I resemble Frankenstein's monster, arms extended to control contact. 53. A thing or an event may beBrarebwhen it is found or occurs infrequently. 54. The strategy works like this: You can make certain data, either static or that which changes infrequently, persistent or cacheable through the ESB. 55. Scientists suspect that this slow rate explains why eruptions occur infrequently in the area. 56. Don't forget about novice users. Use wizards to help them complete tasks faster, or use progressive disclosure to hide advanced (or infrequently used) features. 57. A bad headlines is which infrequently a answer is no. 58. Washing 'fixes' this by spreading the dye throughout the fibers, after this time you may wash your jeans in warm water as infrequently as hygienically possible ! 59. Another example deals with certain durable consumer goods since consumers only infrequently purchase expensive goods like a car or home. 60. Patient with solid tumor not infrequently accompanied by increased eosinophilic granulocyte account in blood which is called tumor associated peripheral blood eosinophilia (TABE).