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31) The imposition of ashes in this service will remind us of our mortality and sinfulness, and therefore help us to appreciate our need for a Savior and God's response to that need in Jesus Christ. 32) I know the Savior lives. I bear witness to you that Joseph Smith is a prophet. 33) A sweeter sound than Thy blest name; O Savior of mankind! 34) Backtracking from the grand speech before his defeat at Zanzibar Land, we already see the sympathetic Big Boss and his savior status with Gray Fox's tragic childhood, Dr. 35) You not only harm your wife but also blaspheme the Savior whose headship you picture, and your false picture of Christ makes it harder for your wife and children to know the Lord as he really is. 36) Passover was always a time of great tension and expectation, because according to Jewish beliefs the Messiah, the longed-for savior, would reveal Himself in Jerusalem at a Passover festival. 37) And to try to add to the punishment that Jesus received for him will be to do double jeopardy, and it will be to dishonor the Savior. 38) Do you renounce the devil and embrace Jesus Christ as your lord and savior? 39) The orca told me our Savior is coming very soon. 40) Now those who tow exhausted body's him to be going to face is eyes covetously wears with the Karner Warro, did not know whether he does become the team once again Savior. 41) Malachi pointed out that the coming Savior would come a Savior from sin. 42) As I did when they asked me to make a sword, a sword that could make a hero out of a husbandman , a warrior of an aleswiller, a savior from a swineherd. 43) Do you recognize that God approaches you today in Jesus Christ? Do you shout "Hosanna, " knowing that Jesus is the one and only Savior? 44) All along my pilgrim journey, Savior, let me walk with Thee. 45) As God-man Mediator, the LORD Jesus lives by the self-existent Father who has sent Him, and in the same manner we live by the Savior who has quickened us. 46) Today in Bethlehem a savior has been born to you all. 47) A religious sect originating in Jamaica whose members worship Haile Selassie as savior and regard Africa, especially Ethiopia, as the Promised Land. 48) People in Africa sense in their hearts that Jesus did not mock their respect for the sacred, nor their claimer for an invincible savior. 49) Lateran Basilica was first dedicated to Christ, the Most Holy Savior. Later, St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist were added as co-patrons of the cathedral. 50) The crew landed that same day on the island in the Bahamas, which Columbus named San Salvador (or "Holy Savior") and the Lucayan natives called Guanahani. 51) Only ready to find an alien, let it again on earth cause chaos, and then playing transform into a shading horse will beat, being the savior, thereby further in the world implement zebra time. 52) Invite the Holy Spirit to come to this nation, reviving Believers and drawing the lost and unreached into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. 53) It is our duty to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in its fullness, both in season and out of season. 54) In fact, so highly regarded was Norton that in the early stages of Europe's recovery from phylloxera, Norton was earmarked as the varietal savior of their ravaged vineyards. 55) After her death, she still could not be with him, rise with him. Her idolatrous love to him had made Jesus' face obscured, she would not recognize her Savior. 56) One would have thought mourning and being blessed were in opposition,[www.] but the infinitely wise Savior puts them together in this Beatitude. What He has joined together let no man put asunder. 57) This is destined by the congenital defect of Chinese intellectuals. It is the one arbitrary theory and the Savior feelings in psychology. 58) Most humans have fallen into the belief in the savior. 59) " Mr. Li is not only the school's benefactor, but also our savior. "