快好知 kuaihz

1. He listened passively as his sentence was read out. 2. The civil population passively resisted. 3. He sat there passively, content to wait for his father to make the opening move. 4. He tends to wait passively for his boss to tell him what to do. 5. They want to sit there passively, taking notes. 6. And Ariadne herself personifies the passively courageous, endlessly resourceful, and lovingly restorative element in every psyche. 6.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 7. All the nurses in Illinois submit passively, like the early Christians, and let themselves be beaten. 8. The corals feed passively on bits of organic material suspended in the water. 9. He observed naughtily, subtly, wittily, passively, on occasion with a feline caress. 10. Such is our conclusion if we passively let things take their course. 11. While the man stood passively, she opened her handbag, taking out a purse, searching through it. 12. Once in the xylem, the salts are carried passively in the transpiration stream to the upper parts of the plant. 13. A man either actively resists or passively resists. 14. People do not merely passively respond to the world. 15. Level 2 - Passively increases Kardel's range by 110. 16. In no case will they look on passively. 17. They were at first grudgingly and later passively accepted. 18. Level 3 - Passively increases Kardel's range by 165. 19. We do not want to passively wait for others'help. 20. The passively controlled anti-rolling tank is one of the most popular stabilization equipments, and the control rule is the key factor of its stabilization effect. 21. Experimental evidence later suggested that chloride was the actively transported moiety and that sodium followed passively. 22. Under resting conditions the cell membrane will not allow ions to diffuse passively across it, so the potential difference remains. 23. The physiotherapist usually starts by mobilizing the shoulder girdle, moving it passively in all directions, to make it perfectly pliable. 24. They want obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept it.George Carlin 25. It is very simple: the artist can not allow himself the luxury of letting himself be manipulated passively by our culture. 26. At home Sean remained a reasonably pleasant child who tended to respond passively to the problems he encountered regarding schoolwork. 27. I imagine he would prefer to go out chasing after death rather than waiting passively for it in a nursing home. 28. At school and university people are encouraged to question why things must be done, rather than accept orders passively. 29. The individual suspends his critical judgement and involvement in external reality to becoming passively absorbed in an imaginary world. 30. How can students get excited about learning when they spend much of their time glued passively in their seats?