dropping造句121 Parr looked at the exposure of her inner thigh with a dropping sensation.
122 With most programs it's as simple as dragging and dropping the file.
123 Sega and Sony are gearing up by dropping the price on their hardware to $ 199.
124 As they saw this wonder each looked in terror at the other, and dropping their eyes they prayed silently.
125 There were the heavy rooms for dropping acid or taking mushrooms.
126 My handling skills have always been reasonable in all sports, and I managed to complete the exercise without dropping a ball.
127 One elephant put an electric fence out of action by dropping an uprooted tree on it.
128 In the make-up room she collapsed into a chair, dropping her head into her hands and groaning heavily.
129 A pin dropping in the attic would have shattered the silence.
130 Probably to be considered all night, he thought bitterly, dropping off to sleep in his clothes.
131 Jump along the window ledge, dropping down to spray the bin, now jump the three aliens.
132 A gas dropping in pressure also drops in temperature - the principle behind the household refrigerator.
133 Antonia, as the year pressed on, was gradually dropping off the map.
134 It was he who recommended that the fire be extinguished by dropping sand mixed with boron and lead on to the reactor.
135 Thanks to the warming influence of the Gulf Stream, the climate is also mild, temperatures rarely dropping much below freezing.
136 Lamarr jumped back dropping the broken pieces and with blood all over his hand and face.
137 Although it would be a tough year for sure, revenue was not dropping anything like as much as the bookings percentage.
138 They teased teachers by dropping books near them, giving them a fright.
139 He plays in a definite way, dropping off scrums into a defensive pocket.
140 Dropping her soap-bag on top of the folded clothes, she slammed the case lid down and ferociously snapped the fastenings.
141 Dropping a combined 76 tons in a city the size of Philadelphia is hardly an impossible task.
142 She then unbuckled her right, and stood up, dropping the scalpel into a pocket, just in case.
143 The crew light the fuse before dropping the mortar shell into the mortar.
144 Grocer profits While other retailers are dropping like flies, supermarkets are making fat profits.
145 Although the dropping of the charges was a big story, it faded as quickly as the Cowboys in the playoffs.
146 They should be dropping like flies, but that hasn't been the case.
147 Their idea is to create forests by dropping saplings, packed into dart-shaped containers, from airplanes.
148 Others have programs geared specifically toward helping boys avoid dropping out of school.
149 After dropping out of Harvard, he went on to become one of the richest men in the world.
150 They were Mo Taylor getting himself rolling consistently toward the basket and dropping in finger rolls and jump shots.