suggestive造句31 Deaths and disclosures, universal and particular, denouements both unexpected and inexorable, transvestite melodrama on all levels including the suggestive.
32 A high preponderance of Protestant ascetics might then be suggestive.
33 You also wrongly stated that we use scare tactics such as hostile looks or suggestive comments to keep women away.
34 This project is intended to be suggestive for future work.
35 A suggestive hint comes from Trinidad where small fish called guppies vary in color according to the stretch of water they inhabit.
36 Clumsiness and poor penmanship may be suggestive of both physiological weaknesses and work inhibition.
37 And we all focus our attention on the potential scandal completely ignoring a far more suggestive state of affairs.
38 Like his father there was something daunting, almost terrible about him an austerity suggestive of ferocity.
39 And there is always something of the suggestive, because our minds accept all predictable ties on the same footing.
40 But for most policymakers enough such suggestive studies have been conducted to justify measures to limit population growth.
41 They wore helmets suggestive of the heads of flies, and their black silks were embroidered with arcane silver hieroglyphics.
42 There were many conflicting smells -- musty scents suggestive of faded perfumes, herbal teas, and an aging woman.
43 And in their own dossiers, I found a few suggestive hints to the effect that Rains and Kruger were hardly spotless.
44 Tucked away in small crevices can be found other, more suggestive and recognisable human remains.
45 While highly suggestive, such studies have not always met the test of scientific proof.
46 Some athletes use hypnotic and suggestive techniques as an adjunct to visualization and mental practice.
47 The film "Tom Jones' is famous for its sexually suggestive eating scene.
48 In addition, two others without a histologically proven diagnosis had a pattern suggestive of a myopathic process.
49 Kilts are suggestive things for such scriptwriters to introduce at such a point.
50 So delicate and suggestive was the touch that her skin tingled.
51 Several important features of the medical history that are suggestive of malnutrition are outlined on p. 190.
52 The proposals were relatively brief and only suggestive of how future work might proceed.
53 When she worked in the pub, men used to make suggestive remarks to her all the time.
54 Sometimes the hallucinations associated with small seizures in the temporal lobe have characteristics suggestive of schizophrenic thought, especially paranoia.
55 The diagnosis can be made clinically by careful abdominal examination after a suggestive history has been obtained.
56 They were gaudy and sexually suggestive and each tailored to the individual characteristics of the woman to be wed.
57 It seems to me a good term, generous and open and suggestive of a willingness to cross established borders.
58 Suicide Although suicide is not, in itself, a psychiatric illness it may be taken as suggestive of impaired mental health.
59 They then began to take measurements to see if any heat was being generated, suggestive of fusion occurring.
60 There is no conclusive evidence on this point, but scattered returns are suggestive.