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181. In this control strategy, the steering radius and the vehicle velocity is utilized to control the drive force and steering angle of each electric-wheel. 182. The radius of a circle described by a crank, cam, or similar machine part. 183. The double radius ellipse pass is better than the one of single radius ellipse in the big round bar or big section steel rolling. 184. His axiom presupposes that there is an arbitrarily large radius at our disposal. 185. The optimal strategy that can regulate the cluster radius automatically is introduced into the guarantee of the cluster rationality. 186. As you can see from the radar data, there appears to be light precipitation within a 30-mile radius of the radar antenna. 187. The particle radius unit, the micron, is especially common and useful. 188. It has mobilized 11 air force planes, four navy vessels with divers and a tanker for the retrieval operation that Jobim said was being carried out in a 120-mile (193-km) radius. 189. Unless specified otherwise, weld in loading ring type ASME long radius wall tap flow nozzles shall be furnished. 190. Ball bearing raceway groove - shaped, usually an arc - shaped cross section, the radius slightly larger than the radius. 191. However, the magnetic field makes the ion energy shift between the radius direction and angle direction. The introduction of magnetic in the axis makes the ion velocity in the angle direction appear. 192. For a given radius no one angle is correct for all speeds. 193. This paper also introduces Remote Authentication Dial In User Service(RADIUS) protocol and data packet encryption in detail. 194. Hollywood, founded in 1903 with a population of 166 by a prohibitionist from Kansas, was just one of forty incorporated cities within a thirty-five mile radius. 195. One astronomical unit is equal to the average radius of the Earth's orBit, aBout 93, 000, 000 miles. 196. Because of the real data does not obtain from normal incidence, hence, the radius formula of Fresnel zone for non-zero incidence angle was derived. 197. In the design of machines, it should synthetically consider the effect of the pressure acting on the warp let-off roller, the warping angle of yams and the roller radius on preventing yam's slippage. 198. Murphy completely hulked out, killed everyone in the gun nest, then used their weaponry to kill every baddie in a 100-yard radius, including two more machine gun nests and a bunch of snipers. 199. The branch cable has small bending radius, which reduces installation difficulty and demands small installation space. 200. Second method only use longitude-latitude orientation average radius distribution feature, L1 distance function and indirect searching database. 201. The paper offered formula for widening the curve railway, concluded theoretic widening radius of curve railway and widening value, which offers reference for platelayer.