快好知 kuaihz

go sour造句
1 The soup has gone sour. 2 Their relationship soon went sour. 3 This milk has gone sour. 4 Their songs are filled with tales of love gone sour. 5 If you leave milk in the sun, it goes sour quickly. 6 In these temperatures, milk goes sour very quickly. 7 The taste of manna has gone sour on them. 8 We dated two years and then things went sour. 9 When a courtship story goes sour or when it dies, a resource is lost. 10 Punta Banda's ghostly streets, vacant houses and shuttered hotel bear testimony to dreams gone sour. 11 In 1993, a wage garnishment was filed against him stemming from a diamond sale gone sour. 12 Five crooks, one detective and a drug deal gone sour. 13 The deal went sour and Coles lost A $ 18 million. 14 Too often relationships go sour or become impoverished through lack of attention. 15 The drummer passed out, the bassoonist dropped his bassoon, the trombonist sputtered and went sour. 16 But it is starting to look as though it's all going sour. 17 A settling of accounts, a drug deal that went sour, rival protection racketeers? 18 It lacks the vision, the panache, the self-confidence it once had under Mrs Thatcher, before she went sour. 19 They are the primary target of a special prosecutor investigating a long-ago Whitewater business deal that went sour. 20 Food can easily go sour in warm weather. 21 Sometimes your investments might go sour. 22 Everything you thought will go sour. 23 Although the findings go sour, however investors intend to obtain abnormal return; the specialized knowledge still must to be promoted. 24 But then came intermission and things began to go sour. 25 Or a social interaction might go sour, with one marmot nipping or chasing another. 26 Many of the deals struck in this frenzied atmosphere are sure to go sour eventually, sending more companies to the brink. 27 On the other hand, lending money to private firms is politically unsafe (bank managers risk corruption charges should loans go sour) but economically lucrative (as they can charge high rates). 28 In some ways, it is a strange time for multinationals to go sour on China. 29 If you keep the milk in the refrigerator, it won't go sour so quickly. 30 Milk must be kept in a cool place, or else it will go sour easily.