快好知 kuaihz

31, Grant's mum cooking sausages and bacon in the farmhouse. 32, The old farmhouse had gone to rack and ruin. 33, He lead me down a path to a farmhouse. 34, I pulled the car over at a farmhouse pub. 35, The gutted farmhouse appeared, silvered by the moon. 36, They moved to a remote farmhouse in North Wales. 37, The Suffolk farmhouse was nothing if not practical. 38, The farmhouse was even more grim than usual tonight. 39, A young captain emerged from the farmhouse. 40, I loved the little white farmhouse in the distance. 41, Or you could visualize the farmhouse kitchen towards midday. 42, Further along the gravel road we encountered two old men outside a farmhouse built of stone. 43, We were asked to infiltrate the area and retrieve as many documents as we could from the farmhouse. 44, No one had lived in the ramshackle farmhouse for years. 45, It was just the two of them, in the warmth and near-darkness of the farmhouse kitchen. 46, A fine farmhouse tea awaits those who complete this medium paced walk in the unique Cheviot landscape of Northumberland. 47, All the windows in the farmhouse had been shattered, the whole scene resembling something from the Blitz. 48, Correspondence and records are best kept in a small office separate from the rest of the farmhouse. 49, Still a brandy might help him face his trip to the farmhouse. 50, She also loved to entertain guests at the farmhouse or socialize at dinner out in the community. 51, Balder Head farmhouse was so close to the reservoir that the water lapped up to the garden wall. 52, An interior from a Maryland farmhouse shows that with nationhood comes a fully developed appreciation of fine furniture and decorative pieces. 53, She had lain on her bed at her farmhouse home on January 2 and put a double-barrelled shotgun to her head. 54, On the other hand, five boys in one huge farmhouse bedroom made for a self-regulating, self-sufficient little kingdom. 55, He flipped just one of the bolts in a casual way and strode off towards the farmhouse across the Paddock. 56, Cheryl's three words were hardly finished before Angela was racing back to the farmhouse shouting at the top of her voice. 57, In the farmhouse he practised putting on the gaiters and found it a struggle. 58, I found him there alone, slumped at an old pine farmhouse table, a mug of tea sitting in front of him. 59, When he reached the branch-off track to the farm he looked up at the farmhouse. 60, The farmhouse is a welcoming, fascinating building in which past and present happily coexist.