快好知 kuaihz

121. NATO threatened drastic action if its terms were not met. 122. We think that he is the most considerate person we have ever met. 123. You distract me. I've been distracted since the moment I met you. Because all I can think about is how much I want to kiss you. 124. Rodman met with Kreeger to try and settle the dispute over his contract. 125. Senior politicians met today to discuss the future of European economic unity. 126. The Prime Minister met many civic leaders, including the mayor and the leaders of the immigrant communities. 127. I don't know him well; I've only met him twice. 128. I'd met Anna before, but her friend was a complete/total stranger to me. 129. Among thousands of people, you meet those you've met. Through thousands of years, with the boundlessness of time, you happen to meet them, neither earlier nor a bit too late. 130. I had not felt warm since I went through numerous winters,until I met you. 131. He was in the middle of telling me a long tale about how he once met the Redskins' manager. 132. I'll make arrangements for you to be met at the airport. 133. I envy her ability to talk to people she's never met before. 134. We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time. The most urgent is to take the most beautiful scenery, the deepest wound was the most real emotions. 135. The two groups met for informal talks. 136. It was met with qualified enthusiasm. 137. The bolts met all the engineering specifications . 138. Oddly enough, I, too, met him yesterday. 139. Her proposal met with unanimous rejection. 140. Again and again the test met with no success. 141. We met the officer attendant on the general. 142. I had met them the previous day. 143. The people I met were intelligent, mature, personable. 144. Alan recounted how he and Joyce had met. 145. I met him by chance out walking yesterday. 146. We met in a tony restaurant uptown. 147. Her help was met with ingratitude and unkindness. 148. The decision met with widespread public disapproval. 149. Their hands met under the table. 150. Union officials representing the teachers met the government today.