快好知 kuaihz

61. Tilth: You want your soil to have good tilth, namely to be crumbly and easy to work. 62. This leads to the final area of resemblance to the great cities of the west, namely social structure. 63. In the spring of 1978, it was dusted off for a more compelling reason, namely domestic politics. 64. Namely, whatever action the company took, it would be blamed for the ensuing conflict. 65. Whatever the species, the mechanism by which the force was exerted is likely to be the same, namely hydraulic pressure. 66. In fact, a more general statement must hold, namely that no signal is permitted to travel outside the light cone. 67. Constructive and destructive waves correspond closely with two of the main types of breaker recognised today, namely spilling and plunging breakers. 68. But the observations threatened a notion fundamental for many Aristotelians, namely, that all celestial bodies are perfect spheres. 69. This chapter has dealt with the mechanism of a debilitating and often fatal symptom of disease, namely diarrhoea. 70. He could afford, he reckoned, to be relaxed about certain sorts of problem; namely those he privately labelled intractable. 71. This followed because the expected inflation rates in the two examples were identical, namely and. 72. They viewed Daley as being closer to the new element than to his political and cultural heritage namely, them. 73. A further central belief has recently begun to appear as equivocal, namely loyalism itself. 74. I say again what I said before business questions, namely, that there is heavy pressure on the next two debates. 75. In advertising, you are part of the most rapidly developing new industry in the world, namely communications and information technology. 76. These place the parties in a similar position to an asset sale,[http:///namely.html] namely needing the consent of a third party. 77. There were certain factors which contributed to the survival of the smaller breweries during this period, namely: 1. 78. Two working conclusions follow from this, namely, toleration and the qualification of majority rule. 79. But I wish to alert him to a situation fraught with dangers, namely the position of black people in his country. 80. A new formative assessment for third year students has been introduced this year - namely, an integrated workbook assignment. 81. The two strategies involve identical outcomes, namely the exchange of dollars for sterling at the end of the year. 82. And this leads to the last and perhaps greatest check on popular sovereignty in the age of Pericles, namely Pericles himself. 83. And it is unclear how certain individuals, namely Marxists, transcend false consciousness. 84. Of one thing I am fairly certain, namely that the glassfibre Seayak will carve through waves better. 85. Within this general description there are two basic types namely the batch and continuous loader. 86. Namely calibrate equivalent coefficient of pixel. 87. Only one boy, namely Nicholas, was late. 88. Namely: Ao flowers, flower bream, Kyrgyzstan spent. 89. In the door, namely main door, main external passageway. 90. Social endowment insurance points to primary endowment insurance namely.