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121. The Corpus Christi festival, held in Castrillo de Murcia, Spain, honors the Roman Catholic Church's Holy Eucharist. 122. The researchers saw significantly increased activity within the corpus callosum, the area that connects the left and right brain hemispheres, in those with Tourette. 123. Ventral to the primordial hippocampus and the bottom of the lateral ventricle is the corpus striatum, which is marked when the two lateral ventricles connect. 124. Conclusion MRI is the best method to diagnose the dysgenesis of the corpus callosum. 125. The testing sample, involving 300 sentences each of which contains at least one Chinese names, is extracted at random from the Xinhua News Corpus. 126. The technology of lexicography based on corpus has been the main method for contemporary lexicography. 127. System of writ of habeas corpus is a useful remedys system for personal rights of citizens. 128. This paper comments on the effect of corpus empirical studies on lexicology. 129. The terminus ad quem of the Vedic period is marked by the composition of the Upanishads, which form the concluding part of the Vedic corpus in the traditional compilations. 130. Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) is the text translation by the statistical parameter models obtained from the training corpus, which has become the mainstream of machine translation research. 131. The tissues of the stele and cortex are derived from the corpus. 132. The last chapter points out the expressive power of the adaptation theory and the limitations of this thesis, for example, the limitation of corpus and investigation angle. 133. And under imperative necessity , he abolished the writ of habeas corpus. 134. Somewhere in the vicinity of Mississippi, Alabama, all the way down to Corpus Christi, Texas. 135. Unlike the rest of the Mosaic corpus of laws, the Decalogue was written directly by the finger of God, on tablets of stone, and placed inside the ark of the covenant. 136. I don't have access to the Oxford English Corpus so I don't know exactly what it would make of "proclivity" but here's what I did. 137. The corpus consists of mainly colloquial materials, covering as more phonetic phenomena as possible, including segmental and suprasegmental phonetic combinations. 138. We also discovered that cows with endometritis, pyometra and other uterus diseases often had ovarian pathological changes, such as COD, persistent corpus luteum and ovaritis. 139. Start this chapter on the meaning and voice interjection classification, recrystallization literature to describe their combined corpus. 140. A normal adult ovary has been sectioned here to reveal a hemorrhagic corpus luteum. 141. Objective : To evaluate the CT and diagnostic value of the corpus callosum injury. 142. This concept has now been replaced, for stem apices, by the tunica - corpus theory. 143. System writ of habeas corpus is a useful remedys system for personal rights of citizens. 144. Tissue, Array, Human Adult Normal, Brain II, Brain, Frontal lobe, Temporal lobe, Parietal lobe, Occipital lobe, Pons, Thalamus, Corpus callosum (Paraffin. 145. The testing sample, including 100 articles, are extracted from the People's Daily 1994 News Corpus. The experiment shows that the recall and the precision can both reach above 90%. 146. Conclusion It is the sensitive, convenient and effective method to diagnoses corpus luteum rupture with the TVCDI checking combined with blood HCG examination and puncture of posterior vaginal fornix. 147. Secondly, the author has designed and helped developed a self-access DDL system based on the corpus. 148. We study the performance of LSC model on English and Chinese corpus respectively, analyze the LSC model's stability, and compare LSC model with some common classification models. 149. Corpus linguistics has made great influence on language studies and translation studies. 150. The civil law system is based Corpus Juris Civilis and follows its tradition of codification.