快好知 kuaihz

91. At Penarth alone the discarded items collected ranged from timber and aluminium cans to an old pushchair frame. 92. Our objective measures of light intensity would be discarded if they universally gave answers that contradicted our subjective experiences. 93. Rubbish is discarded; that from boats is washed ashore and there is greater disturbance of the animal life. 94. As the war progressed, this position be-came less and less tenable and was eventually discarded. 95. Tampa Bay long ago discarded playoff talk, but the Bucs are restless to step forward. 96. Any second-hand bookseller or charity shop can testify to a roaring trade in the once read and discarded romance volume. 97. His gift of stolen peonies was discarded in a cardboard box, and she did not seem to mind at all. 98. Soft-shelled crabs are blue crabs taken after the hard shell has been discarded and the new one is still soft. 99. But inherent in the diagnostic procedure is a presumption that defective embryos will be discarded. 100. Indeed, for many the very idea of attaining a political focus has been discarded in favour of a celebration of fragmentation. 101. A little grove of coconut palms extended behind it; a few fowls picked among discarded water jars. 102. The Yahgans discarded their waste outside the huts, and buildups of waste created the mounds visitors see today. 103. He stirred the contents: paper tissues, a few torn envelopes, a discarded newspaper. 104. Doyle remembers Gabby, an 8-year-old he first met eating discarded ice cream cones in the train station. 105. But in their hurry to get off the mountain, exhausted climbers have discarded tons of rubbish. 106. But, after doing so, the surviving poor devils were discarded like a bunch of rags. 107. I loved to pick through trash piles and collect empty bottles, tin cans with Pretty labels, and discarded magazines. 108. I was brought up a Catholic but I discarded it quite early on. 109. This picture is therefore entirely consistent with the material being an over-heated frit which has been discarded. 110. They had picked over discarded fruits and vegetables evenings under Park Avenue Bridge, cooking over Sterno stoves. 111. Each player has discarded two cards into the crib. 112. Usually the sample homogenized, tested, and then discarded. 113. I am outcast, discarded because I might cause embarrassment. 114. In this case the fractional part is discarded. 115. On rubbish heap, discarded clay says - Why? 116. Many months later when I was well on in my recovery, I noticed in a second-hand bookshop, a paperback book in a box of cheap, discarded historical romances. The title on the cover was "Nannette". 117. Just like a serpent which has crept on one's lap has to be quickly thrown away, so also, when dreaminess comes it must at once be discarded. 118. The find, which has been dated to be at least 28, 000 years old and found in a cave near Ulm in Germany, was made from siltstone and was apparently discarded after being broken. 119. The user then clicks the back arrow to return to the page, and lo, the 10 valid entries were inconsiderately discarded along with the single invalid one. 120. The slag heaps hold massive dumps of crushed rock discarded after gold extraction.