快好知 kuaihz

if I were you造句
91 "if i were you, "suggested her husband, "i'd take it down to the drug-store. a pharmacist can always read doctor' prescriptions, no matter how messy the writing is. he'll help you figure it out. 92 If I were you, I wouldn't have the heart to leave the kids at home uncared for. 93 James, I should refuse that consultancy with Shapiro, if I were you. 94 If I were you, I'd apply for scholarship that includes a very ample living allowance now. 95 "If I were you," she adds by way of some unsolicited advice, "I'd watch out for that girl of yours.". 96 If I were you, I wouldn't have the heart tot leave the kids at home uncared for. 97 Mitch: If I were you, I'd strike while the iron is hot. 98 If I were you, I'd dress up and be well-mannered. 99 I would not, if I were you, be inclined to discuss private business with the landlady. 100 I wouldn't rely on my advice about the gold price, not if I were you: my professional expertise is in the rare earth metals, a very different game indeed. 101 If I were you, I wouldn't kick up a fuss over that decision. 102 Unit 5· If I were you, I'd speak to Glen first. 103 I should jack up the whole business if I were you. 104 Strictly speaking, if I were you, I would just and ask ont. 105 "Then,"said the landsman, "If I were you, I should never go to sea." 106 Before you sign this contract, I would go over it with a fine-tooth comb if I were you. Make sure it's what you want. 107 Rick: I wouldn't bring up Paris if I were you, it's poor salesmanship. 108 If I were you, I wouldn't trust hello m. He's a wolf in sheep's clothesline. 109 If I were you I'd deal with the appropriate government department, not some jack-in-office on the local council.