bailey造句151. One nucleotide acid fragment ( 350 bp ) was obtained in Brassica parachinensis Bailey and Brassica oleracea L. Var.
152. Shields, through her Second Life avatar Jezebel Bailey, tried to deed over 22, 000 square meters of land to a friend.
153. Pharmacologist David Bailey made that discovery almost 20 years ago.
154. Bailey had always been an optimist , a sound Marxian optimist.
155. Best Swallow went to our NCPC President Frank Bailey with a Black White Barred Silesian and the best Saxon Shield also went to Frank with a Blue Spangle Non Crested Saxon Shield.
156. But George Bailey is not a common , ordinary yokel.
157. Norrine Bailey Spencer is the associate provost and director of undergraduate admissions.
158. Kirk Bailey was appointed to the position of executive vice president, Oil Sands, in 2007.
159. 'Ye - es, sir,'returned Jerry , in something of a dogged manner.'I do know the Bailey.'.
160. Rev. Dean Bailey in the back pew of Alto United Methodist Church.
161. Bailey says men often make up heroic war stories to impress women, to puff up their job credentials or because they think it will inspire youngsters such as Boy Scouts and military recruits.
162. As applications, several identities of Rogers - Ramanujan type are demonstrated , especially , the concrete applications of ( a, q, 3 ) - Bailey pairs are given.