causal造句31. Thus, a slightly different analysis / interpretation of the empirical data avoids the strong causal language of the other two studies.
32. That is, to explain the experimental findings in terms of the subjects' account of the experimental rather than causal processes.
33. It is, I think, one of two parts of an adequate account of causal asymmetry.
34. The cognitive model proposes a direct causal link: participation brings about enhanced information on goals, and so performance is improved.
35. In other words, the primary communicative function of causal connectives is to signal causal direction.
36. Some equations, asserted in a certain context or on certain assumptions, have to do with parts of causal circumstances.
37. This causal ordering is depicted in the figure with the arrows and the numbering of each variable.
38. We regularly take it that a causal circumstance is linked by way of a causal chain or sequence to its effect.
39. Nevertheless, in this two-way causal relationship, poverty is primarily a cause of illness and only secondarily its effect.
40. Consequently, in the intentional mode, there is a complex relationship between causal direction and temporal order.
41. Some courts have however looked to the causal link between the existence of a hearing and the final outcome.
42. The objection, again, is that we do not in our standard causal thinking have or use such an idea.
43. In the longitudinal part of the enquiry, the investigators examined the possible causal role of support.
44. At the causal level, the main argument concerns theory and experience.
45. To calculate the effect of an indirect causal path, the values of adjacent paths are multiplied.
46. Scientists have long recognized that environmental factors play a notable causal role in many cancers.
47. Crucially, therefore, causal explanation is the proper procedure when we engage in natural science but not elsewhere.
48. Thinking too much also creates the illusion of causal connections between unrelated events.Steve Martin
49. But even if there is not this causal connection, the fantasy does have a causal effect.
50. Explanation extends our understanding of the world, by moving beyond simple observation of events to the causal links underpinning them.
51. Through a series of strategic puns Sukenick associates the collection of evidence, analysis and causal sequence with political totalitarianism.
52. The causal relevance of an agent would be optimally confirmed if it was detected in symptomatic but not in asymptomatic patients.
53. Any one pair of these elements can be causal, and these relationships may change within the period being measured.
54. Therefore, additional evidence clearly pointing to a causal relation between H pylori infection and gastric ulcer disease has to be provided.
55. This way of looking at causal laws is a delicate compromise.
56. They are the very reason why brains, and their complex causal interaction with chemical molecules, have the structures they have.
57. It is indeed true of the given description of the causal circumstance for the house fire that it could be much improved.
58. On the one hand, there were those who argued for a simple causal relationship between education and security in the labour-market.
59. We do indeed have it that a causal circumstance necessitated its effect.
60. They therefore concluded that a lack of social relationships was a causal factor in the onset of neurosis.