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31. A small minority takes refuge ( as it always has ) in mindless radicalism. 32. In particular, they are not a " middle ground " between radicalism and neoclassicism. 33. Pan-Arabism broke on the shoals of the 1967 fiasco -- even if Qaddafi didn't get the message -- but Palestinian radicalism offered itself as an alternative unifying ideology. 34. The May 4 th Movement of 1919 was expedited by the radicalism and the liberalism thought tides. 35. Radicalism , cultural or political , was repellent to Roger Sherman's fellow - citizens of Connecticut, the Hartford Wits. 36. Bush's radicalism becomes more fervent as he becomes more embattled and separates him from presidents past. 37. China's economic strength has also dulled the political appetite for radicalism.