快好知 kuaihz

1. Our youngest boy has gone down with mumps. 2. The illness was diagnosed as mumps. 3. Measles, mumps and whooping cough are spreading again because children are not being vaccinated. 4. The child has the mumps. 5. Think of it like the mumps. 6. Mumps Belladonna. Rapid onset and violent. 7. Scarlet fever, mumps, chicken pox, and whooping cough floated in the air. 8. An epidemic of measles, mumps or rubella is now possible. 9. All doses of Hib, measles, mumps, rubella and varicella must be given on or after the first birthday. 10. There were plenty of diseases. Scarlet fever, mumps, chicken pox, and whooping cough floated in the air. 11. Poor Dick has gone down with mumps. 12. She got mumps from her brother. 13. Mumps is an acute contagious viral infection. 14. Measles, mumps and influenza are common diseases. 15. Mumps is a children's disease. 16. American bacteriologist who researched antibodies for the mumps virus. 17. Conclusion Mumps and DT vaccines can be administered simultaneously. 18. Sarah got mumps from her brother. 19. Mumps makes the glands in your neck swell up. 20. Measles mumps and rubella What are the symptoms? 21. The association between mumps orchitis and testicular cancer is weak an incidence rate of 0.5 percent. 22. As a child she suffered measles, mumps, scarlet fever, chicken pox, double pneumonia and eventually polio, leaving her left leg and foot weak and deformed. 23. Denotes 1 st dose of Measles, Mumps & Rubella Vaccine. 24. Now 95 per cent of UK babies are immunised against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps and rubella before they are a year old. 25. There are lots of viruses; for example, one kind causes chickenpox, another mumps and other colds. 26. I did get the usual childhood ailments, though, such as mumps, measles and chicken-pox. 27. The vaccine is used to immunise children against measles, mumps and rubella. 28. Of course, I had all the usual childhood illnesses, like measles and mumps. 29. Finally, pneumoparotid has been reported to be self-induced to simulate mumps to avoid school or military duty and in children who obsessively puff their cheeks in response to psychological stress. 30. Objectives:In order to search the function of EEG in the diagnosis of Mumps meningoencephalitis .