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1. Later, however, these germ cells undergo meiosis, to produce gametes. 2. Telophase then brings meiosis I to a close: the nuclear envelope starts to form again. 3. Each of the two divisions of meiosis produces two daughter cells, each of which contains the same amount of nuclear material. 4. But meiosis in eggs may take half a century to run its course. 5. Just add calcium to the oocyte and meiosis will run to completion. 6. The first meiosis has produced a polar body, and this lies trapped beneath the zona pellucida. 7. Required for normal segregation in mitosis and meiosis. 8. Meiosis of microspore mother cells is synchronous or unsynchronous. 9. The separation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis. 10. Abnormal meiosis also was observed. 11. Chromosomes are distributed by spindles in mitosis and meiosis. 12. Synapsis before meiosis is restricted by PH genes. 13. The failure of any process in meiosis can result in chromosome mal - disjunction. 14. Zygote meiosis can be observed with fresh-water algae Chlamydomonas, Spirogyra , Chara for assistant materials. 15. Cytokinesis of microspore mother cells during meiosis was simultaneous type, and pollen grains were 2-cell, it suggested that the Dioscoreaceae was rather primitive in Angiosperm. 16. Conclusion Testosterone propionate plays a positive role in meiosis and maturation of spermatocyte in mice. 17. On germination, the zygospore undergoes meiosis to produce haploid cells that give rise to a new thallus. 18. Subsequently, after meiosis, the callose decayed centripetally and released four immature microspores and this phenomena suggested the types of cytokinesis the mixture of simultaneous and successes. 18.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 19. Since they are pure-bred cells, they are perfectly capable of meiosis. 20. The touch of the sperm on the oocyte's outer membrane stimulates the second meiosis to move to completion. 21. Staining with the improved carbolfuchsin- aniline blue fluorescence method is a convenient and efficient way to observe the behavior of the callose wall of microspore mother cells during meiosis. 22. Bivalent Describing any pair of homologous chromosomes when they pair up during MEIOSIS. 23. These are the haploid sexual spores that were produced following meiosis inside the basidium . 24. Results:Among the 54 cases there were 45 cases with meiotic arrest in pachytene stage, 6 univalent cases, 2 multi valent cases and 1 case with normal meiosis. 25. Autopolyploids may arise from the fusion of diploid gametes that have resulted from the NONDISJUNCTION of chromosomes at meiosis. 26. The variations of CKC may be the main reason for the chromosomal nondisjunction during meiosis that is attributed to the adverse pregnancy. 27. Terminalization The movement of chiasmata to the end of the bivalent arms, a process that may occur during late prophase I of meiosis. 28. Aneuspory The production of an unusual number of spores during meiosis of a spore mother cell. 29. After an analysis of the published papers and our elementary study, we draw the conclusion that meiosis in Porphyra has not been solved satisfactorily and further research is needed. 30. The expression change of BOULE gene or the absence of BOULE protein brings on meiosis arrest and spermatogenic failure, which can lead to azoospermia and male infertility.