hang造句151. How many times have I told you to hang up your clothes?
152. I should ,hang on to those old 'photographs they may be valuable.
153. I thought I'd hang around for a while and see if she comes.
154. He used to skip lessons and hang around the harbor with some other boys.
155. Hang your coat and hat on the rack over there.
156. Hang on tight - it's going to be a very bumpy ride.
157. Have you got any pegs so I can hang the washing out?
158. The people I used to hang around with were much older than me.
159. He's playing a waiting-game. He'll hope to hang on as long as possible until the pressure is off.
160. Work can get tough in the middle of a term but hang on in there and it'll be OK.
161. Hang gliding and paragliding are allowed from the top of Windy Hill.
162. I let my words hang in the air. Maggie was no fool: she must realize I meant it.
163. When you hang a door, you need to make sure that it is both level and plumb.
164. He could hang loose when he went into the den of vice.
165. You should hang on to those bonds, they'll appreciate considerably.
166. I wasn't anywhere near the house when the window was broken so you can't hang that on me!
167. They decided to use the anniversary as the peg for/a peg on which to hang a TV documentary.
168. Hold on/Hang on a tick - I'm not quite ready.
169. These blooms have a very pronounced tendency to hang their heads.
170. Go straight on for two blocks, then hang a left.
171. If he is found guilty, he will almost certainly hang.
172. She let the long cone of ash hang at the end of her cigarette.
173. In order to hang the picture, he had to hammer a nail.
174. We could hang this picture on the wall next to the door.
175. Even his closest advisers believe he should hang back no longer.
176. She had done little to personalize her room, except hang a few posters on the walls.
177. If she's expecting the report by tomorrow she can go hang herself.
178. She scrounged around in the tool box for a tack or nail to hang the notice up with.
179. If you hang on, you will succeed in the end.
180. Don't hang up on me - I need to talk to you.