快好知 kuaihz

1 He was a portly figure in a tight-fitting jacket and bow tie. 2 He was a portly man, red-faced and always panting. 3 Those 29 words sealed the portly politician's fate. 4 He is not a large man, but portly now and rather short of breath. 5 But a steep turn, below, reveals a portly frame and dated antecedents. 6 He was amiable, grizzle-haired and portly, with a wide smile. 7 The bishop was a dignified, portly man, with thinning white hair. 8 Dewey himself campaigned with the portly dignity of an incumbent,[www.] while Truman screeched and kicked like an outsider. 9 Three: portly old men should use belt and braces, in case their trousers burst open; the belt hides the disaster. 10 In the opposite corner was a portly man in a baggy tweed suit. 11 The lawyer was a tall, portly man with a snub nose, a square chin, and a short neck. 12 George Shultz, the bluff and portly secretary of state, evidently thought much the same. 13 The general is a portly old man. 14 A portly German kept this place. 15 Men are portly and women are stout. 16 " I won't,' said the portly woman. 17 The new manager is a portly aged woman. 18 A portly, rubicund man of middle age"." 19 He would make a feast of the portly grunter. 20 Instantly the portly lady's face became exceedingly sober and shrewd. 21 The new manager is a portly middle - aged woman. 22 Fact is, the portly plumber perfected platforming way back in 1996 with Super Mario 64. 23 The portly client puffed out his chest with an appearance of some little pride. 24 And the portly pooches also risk similar illnesses, including heart disease. 25 As they leaned against a red brick wall, a portly prison system official swabbed at the sweat trickling into his collar. 26 But then she also spends some time persuading the audience to laugh at her own idiosyncrasies and rather portly shape. 27 They saw me with my thin marathoner's body and wondered what it was that I admired in this portly paramour with the plus-size panties. 28 She had come up the imposing steps, guarded by the large and portly doorman. 29 For one hour a week the class had elocution lessons from an old, portly teacher called Mr Priestley. 30 By late 1975, Papa Doc Duvalier had passed from the scene, succeeded by his son, a portly young man whom everybody called Baby Doc.