快好知 kuaihz

1. All of these are congruent triangles. 2. The measures are congruent with the changes in management policy. 3. Yet their values are not congruent. 4. This partisanship is reinforced when parents' preferences are congruent with the influences to be identified below. 5. He simply asserts that their perceptions are congruent with his own view that the family is the important unit. 6. The retreat design was also congruent with the power styles of Tom Rice and the consultant. 7. The inequality of the exchange is congruent with the inequality of the status. 8. Moreover, female well-being was defined in terms congruent with both women's reproductive function and ideal feminine behaviour. 9. And there are many areas of congruent interests. 10. But not all practices are congruent. 11. If you want to succeed, you must be congruent. 12. Cube: a regular solid having six congruent square faces. 13. For a congruent patellofemoral articulation, the patella must track centrally in the trochlear groove. 14. In this paper, the component feature of congruent number square of the second power was presented, especially in combination principle of its series extensive diagonal lines. 15. Non - Congruent - all - polyethylene were inserted into a validated finite element model of a proximal tibia. 16. A uniformly congruent security model is presented based on observational congruence. 17. The original congruent number formula has been deduced by fundmental methods number theory. 18. Do Australia and China have congruent interests in this area? 19. Some researchers have found highly congruent trails on multiple rocks that support this movement theory. 20. They want to work in an organisation whose values are congruent with their own. 21. His presence is not accidental, or perhaps it is merely congruent with another motif in the Tomlinson gestalt about marriage. 22. But all of those societies had political and social ideologies that were congruent with their economic realities. 23. On the right there are two schemes including fossil agnathan groups congruent with the classifications to the left. 24. Paradigmatically, a semantic affinity between two grammatically identical words is the greater the more congruent their patterns of syntagmatic normality. 25. In this paper we will discuss symmetric bilinear forms and quadratic forms over valuation rings, and establish the congruent standard forms of symmetric matrices over valuation rings. 26. However, Dahlsrud finds that the existing definitions to a large degree are congruent. 27. From the result, we considered that the transfer of positive hole model is congruent. 28. They confimp 3 ed with each other in their headphones and moved the businessman to a congruent location. 29. You may only use elementary geometry, such as the fact that the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees and the basic congruent triangle rules (side-angle-side, etc.). 30. The developer avoids taxes the action, although is improper, but cannot deny according to the above between both sides exists licit traffic congruent relationship.