financial system造句61. The political system has moved on to the automobile bailouts and the fiscal stimulus, but the original problem of trust in the financial system has still not been fixed.
62. We see a financial system that is not as efficient as it could be in allocating funds based on the credit-worthiness of the fund raisers.
63. But despite vast amounts of liquidity the Fed has pushed into the financial system, banks worried about their own finances and the credit-worthiness of would-be borrowers remain reluctant to lend.
64. A financial system, which allocates scarce investment capital, is no different.
65. China's central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan, may have dominated headlines of late with his call to reform the global financial system and unhinge it from the U.S. dollar.
66. The authorities are considering two broad approaches to shore up the financial system.
67. Although the context of uniform accounting system and the uniform financial system have changed a lot, they are still essential composition of the rule of accounting in our country.
68. Some have suggested that the Fed be authorised to issue debt, as many other central banks do. This would enhance its ability to withdraw excess cash from the financial system.
69. It's becoming clear to investors that there is no point of control to monitor and prevent systemic breakdowns of the global financial system.
70. Wall Street's troubles came as a freeze-up in credit markets threatened to clog the global financial system.
71. The risk sharing as one of the core functions of the financial system has played an important role in economy stability and development.
72. But a move to a freely floating rate must wait until the financial system is overhauled.
73. National treasury centralized payment system is a main content of financial system reformation.
74. But China's insular financial system has also kept it underdeveloped.
75. The farmers' burden is caused by the enlargement of institutes and also the backward of the financial system instead of the burden of taxation.
76. The investment bank is the important composition of modern financial system, in recent years the business of it has been developing towards pluralization and specialization.
77. The model which stress was cash floe, and explaining the frailty of financial system with over-finance conception were the new developments of modern finance unsteady theory.
78. BARACK OBAMA: "Ben approached a financial system on the verge of collapse with calm and wisdom, with bold action and out-of-the-box thinking that has helped put the brakes on our economic freefall."
79. Normal functioning of the financial system is crucial to overall economic stability and development.
80. Fang Xiaoxia thought, SME's own quality is the main reason of difficulty in financing, imperfectness of financial system is the direct reason of SME's difficulty in getting loan.
81. Such a panic was set off in August 2007 by inordinately blowing up the dangers to the world financial system inherent in a mere $400 to $600 billion of securities backed by U.S. subprime mortgages.
82. Mr. Paulson seems to be betting that the financial system — bolstered, it must be said, by those special credit lines — can handle the shock of a Lehman failure.
83. Seventh, strengthens the exchange control, the guard short term capital flowing attacks our country financial system.
84. The problem is that trigger-happy intervention also has its drawbacks. It has long been accepted that retail depositors should be protected, to maintain their faith in the financial system.
85. Speaking in San Paulo, Brazil, the IMF's research director, Olivier Blanchard, said policymakers have to act now to make the financial system more robust.
86. This crisis will pass and America will reemerge with a far sounder financial system.
87. Shown as unsymmetry information and adverse selection problems , moral risk problems and other situations that may cause the financial system to be unstable .
88. The financial system requires close oversight, or crises will destabilise it (see article).
89. The FanZhenzhen United Reserve Center, the central bank of FanZhenzhen, together with allies banks, provides life with a safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial system.
90. This thesis makes an operation analysis on the efficiency of Chinas financial system reform in 23 years, and studies and explores the route selection modes of Chinese financial system reform i.