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91, Python is a powerful, free, open source, general purpose, interpreted programming language. 92, The second form leaves func as a standard Python function, but optimizes calls involving newname. 93, Overall, however, the Vaults of Parnassus has provided an invaluable resource in building the architectural prerequisites of a strong Python community. 94, The same result can be accomplished using an inline Python dict object, shown in Listings 6 and 7. 95, Listing 5 is client code that takes a word and returns the hyponym chain as a Python set. 96, The function body is almost identical to the statements shown in " Discover Python, Part 6" (the previous times table went from 1 to 10). 97, And " Discover Python, Part 5" introduces the concept of compound statements in Python, and the if statement and the while loop. 98, Jones I think we've all relaxed a bit about Python. 99, Dynamically typed languages like Ruby, Python, Groovy, JavaScript, and Smalltalk offer very high productivity due to their flexibility, powerful metaprogramming, and elegance. 100, To actually use SQLObject, you need to set up a database package and the Python interface to that type of database. 101, Jython doesn't support Python extension modules written in C or C ++. 102, The southern African python occurs in open savannah, riverine scrub and rocky areas. 103, Many programs utilize Boolean expressions, and Python provides the full range of Boolean comparison and logical operations, as detailed in tables 1 and 2, respectively. 104, In Python the serialization process is called pickling, and you can pickle/unpickle your objects to/from a string, a file on disk, or any file-like object. 105, The page refers to it as a structured data type similar to variables in Python or Perl. 106, Fish and chips, Sherlock Holmes and Monty Python have joined cricket, pubs and red double-decker buses on a growing list of England's national treasures. 107, Python also has a concept of mutability and immutability: a tuple, for example, is an immutable list. 108, Python is not any slower than many other dynamic languages, but van Rossum wanted readability and understandability to be a primary attribute of a Python program. 109, An African rock python has become the toy of two leopards! 110, The range() function is simply a list constructor, very similar to the range() function in Python, or the .. 111, The unladen swallow group is now referring others to PyPy instead; another Python runtime which uses a custom JIT in order to speed up execution. 112, In addition, the API is in Python, which has a reputation for fast development; it is a highly productive interpreted language. 113, By way of background for any Python beginners reading this, Python has long had some semi-formal documentation standards. 114, I myself have added the ability to infer data types from text patterns in XML nodes to the Amara XML toolkit, one of the XML processing libraries I develop for the Python programming language. 115, Members of the XML-SIG (Special Interest Group) do much of the work of maintaining a range of XML tools for Python. 116, At Python conventions, it is now common to see developers wearing black T-shirts showing the nosetests command, followed by the field of periods with which it denotes successful tests. 117, For the most part, Pyrex runs faster than Python by avoiding the need to continuously box and unbox variables of simple data types. 118, When the Python interpreter is invoked with the -O flag, optimized code is generated and stored in . pyo files. 119, The Python interpreter provides the only two bool objects needed: True and False. 120, Syntactically, it is singled out in Python by being named before the dot -- everything following the dot, method name, and left parenthesis is just an argument.