zoom造句121 Ideal for the lazy Twitterer, Twitter Photo Zoom will super-size anyone's avatar from the home screen or sidebar lists when you run your cursor over the thumbnail.
122 Lifting up her camera, she took out a zoom lens and put it on.
123 You might be groveling around in low-level bits and pointer arithmetic, then zoom out to an abstraction that's close to the business domain. You're always bopping back and forth. That's hard.
124 This is the magnifying glass icon with the minus sign on it and provides the ability to step-wise zoom out.
125 The topology view lets you to zoom in on individual nodes and see not only what's currently running, but how the node is performing as a whole.
126 The film's famous final shot, a zoom in to a freeze frame, shows him looking directly into the camera.
127 We zoom into the Jurassic and witness the super continent of Pangea split in two.
128 At first view it looks nice, but when you zoom in you can see a nasty black halo around the edge of the leaf.
129 You then project (or transform) the coordinate from WGS84 latitude and longitude (EPSG:4326) to the map's current projection (Spherical Mercator) and zoom to it.
130 With the method of digital approximation, the zoom range of this optical system which meets two basic requirements is calculated out.
131 A transform can reorganize tag structure, add/remove tags and attributes, and filter to zoom in on select fragments of XML data.
132 PINCH - Touch an object on the display once to select the item then place 2 fingers on opposite corners of the object, then move them closer together to decrease the object's size or to zoom out.
133 One I liked: You can double-tap with two figures to resize a section of a Web page or PDF to zoom in to fill the screen, just like on the iPhone or iPad.
134 Viewers can zoom in on the geographical features, visiting the well-known Marianas Trench or touring the Pacific Ocean's rocky floor.
135 In that case, I may have bitten off more than I can chew, especially as we zoom toward Christmas, the high-water mark of the Chinese sales year.
136 At the same time, equipped with stereo zoom microphone, wind noise reduction.
137 You can also use the spacebar to zoom in and out.
138 Scroll forward to zoom in and backward to zoom out.
139 Keep in mind that changing focal length will require refocusing in most zoom lenses.
140 Getbuffersize resolution, depending on the output resolution and image zoom ratio.
141 Use a prime or fixed lens that best meets your needs. Leaver your zoom at home...your lens must be your owen eye.
142 If you want the utmost in sharpness, don't buy a zoom lens.
143 The properties of the 'Standard Drop' were defined and its formation and shape monitored using a photomacrographic zoom system in conjunction with a video camera and a stroboscope.
144 I can zoom in to get more detail or switch to satellite mode if my trek takes me off-road.
145 We find this to be incentive enough to always zoom while firing your sniper rifle.
146 Then realized 3D display, rotation and zoom in screen by algorithm for eliminating hidden surface, illumination Model,[http:///zoom.html] projection conversion and so on.
147 Zoom in the t - shirt and see the color carefully again.
148 You can browse the entire page and then zoom in to the content you need.
149 We could hear the constant zoom of the cars on the highway.
150 In addition, the zoom control of fitness amends the genetic algorithm in search of optimal codes.