whilst造句61 He was alone in the school playground whilst the other children were at their Good Friday assembly.
62 Whilst this is a major problem, a short illustrative example can be given.
63 Teachers have a duty to ensure that students are not injured whilst they are in their care.
64 I can not consume the products of that department in their natural form, whilst the products of Dept.
65 Clients are apt to minimise numbers of assignments, whilst headhunters maximise them, and neither are willing to divulge exact figures.
66 Whilst matrix isolation attempts to reproduce this situation, the target molecules are in intimate contact with the matrix material.
67 With nervous steps, I crossed from one slippery wet boulder to the next whilst the water swirled and gurgled beneath.
68 Another method of subordination is a prohibition on repayment of the debt whilst other creditors remain unpaid.
69 Maybe he's not the man she thought he was when she first met him in prison whilst serving time for rape.
70 Most of my driving is on tarmac with some beach work whilst on hols launching my boat.
71 Yet whilst certain cabinet-makers and upholsterers occasionally furnished funerals there is no evidence to show that iron founders did likewise.
72 I see an overweight middle-aged man struggling to close it again whilst trying to hold his towel around his middle.
73 They exist only whilst the computer is turned on and the word-processing program is active.
74 The enclosed water area now covers some 89 hectares whilst the land area is in excess of 150 hectares.
75 This system ensured reasonably fair representation for each party, whilst preventing a large number of parties being elected to parliament.
76 By the looks of them, they had been playing whilst the cat was away.
77 Whilst our cities wheeze from the effects of chemical pollutants there is another form of pollution gathering in the atmosphere.
78 The South Lake is a haven for watersports enthusiasts whilst the North Lake has a rich and varied array of wildlife.
79 One Easter, whilst visiting Benbecula, my thoughtful daughter-in-law, Barbara, suggested a fishing picnic to Stilligarry.
80 They replace essential moisture whilst forming a protective layer to hold it in.
81 Whilst the others joked, drank and flirted, they would sit in awkward seriousness.
82 Miss Scrine conceived her campaign whilst attending an archaeological conference in the Midlands.
83 Whilst the truly adventurous will wish to pay a visit to the gliding club at nearby Dinnet.
84 Some occupations are entered directly after graduation whilst entry to others follows completion of a postgraduate course.
85 It is human nature to advocate change in some one else's affairs whilst vigorously opposing its necessity in one's own.
86 Lord Wellworthy can enforce the covenant only whilst he retains the legal estate in the Stately Mansion Hotel.
87 Sir Robert Catesby greeted Agrippa warmly, taking him aside for secret consultations whilst ignoring Benjamin and me.
88 Whilst a new date has been named, I understand, for the coronation - again it could be postponed.
89 That's the vital element, and whilst it remains the human body can survive the most amazing injuries.
90 A very pleasant morning or afternoon excursion, whilst on holiday, is a visit to the Madeira wine lodges.