快好知 kuaihz

31. On a smallholding there is no room for shoddy work. 32. You have a right to return any shoddy goods you might buy. 33. The shoddy state of schools sums it up: Britain is getting left behind. 34. The price we paid as a nation for shoddy work and labor / management conflict was enormous. 35. The problem was, I got tired of treating people with shoddy equipment and time-expired medicines. 36. The same applies in the case of shoddy service, damaged products, faded displays and components that don't fit. 37. A more likely scenario is that male rape victims would be afforded the same shoddy treatment as their female counterparts. 38. I threw the last one's sketches across his office and told him: shoddy, unexciting, no thanks. 39. The market was glutted with shoddy goods. 40. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. 41. American customers no longer tolerate shoddy goods. 42. Shoddy school sample leucorrhea: for mould sex vaginitis peculiar. 43. His essay was a pretty shoddy piece of work. 44. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior maaterials. 45. This is a pretty shoddy exercise. 46. But tied aid leads to shoddy work.http:// 47. President Bush has apologized to war vets about the shoddy conditions at Walter Reed. 48. These personnel from the works done by the relatively cheap price point, but they jerry-building , shoddy, substandard in quality not guaranteed. 49. But most workers fear employers would renege on these obligations, and that China's shoddy regulatory system would let them get away with it. 50. Shoddy and amateurish, the camerawork and editing are about the same as a high school computer graphics student could do. 51. "Shoddy workmanship these days," he remarked. "No matter, it will still bear my weight." 52. Factories turned out shoddy and overpriced items. Many houses went private. 53. Disclose according to Mr Li, chromatism of color of bedroom floor tile is bigger, pattern is messy, shoddy. 54. It is up to the teacher not to accept shoddy work. 55. The female knot-tying weaverbird will refuse to mate with a male who has built a shoddy nest. 56. Toy companies and pet-food firms alike have found that their brands can be tainted if their suppliers (notably, from China) turn out shoddy goods. 57. It is said that this bracelet is made of red coral, but after 3 days the color of its surface is pulled off. It is shoddy product absolutely. 58. Its outcome is the dull market and the popularity of counterfeit and shoddy products. 59. We rap the manufacturers on their knuckles if the toy is shoddy. 60. Under the law of maximum shoddy probability, it will have more practical significance for the probabilistic analysis of degree of compaction to use decision analysis and Bayesian method.