快好知 kuaihz

(1) It is a tedious, humourless load of crap. (2) What a bunch of crap! (3) You're talking a load of crap! (4) I stepped in a pile of crap. (5) Let's cut the crap and get down to business. (6) You don't believe all that crap, do you? (7) Greg's full of crap . (8) He's totally crap at football. (9) I don't need this kind of crap . (10) He's so full of crap. (11) That's a bunch of crap! I never said that. (12) I'm not going to take this crap any more. (13) You do talk a load of crap! (14) What is all this crap doing on my desk? (15) The team played crap yesterday. (16) Don't crap around like that. (17) Her latest movie is a bunch of crap. (18) Let's clear all this crap off the kitchen. (19) I'm really crap at tennis. (20) I've had such a crap day. (21) I won't put up with any old crap. (22) This work is complete crap. (23) I thought the game was a load of crap. (24) A bad film? It was crap! (25) The game was a load of crap. (26) Her latest film is a load of crap. (27) The concert was crap. (28) Just cut the crap, will you, and tell me where I'm going wrong. (29) I meant to call him and invite him, but I've been a bit crap about asking people. (30) I've only read one novel by him and it was a load of crap.