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short of breath造句
31, After all that running, he was short of breath. 32, The weather is so hot that I am almost short of breath. 33, If I take a long walk, I'll get short of breath. 34, Do you feel short of breath when you climb steps or do heavy work? 35, She short of breath. She's got fever. She's post - op. 36, Sophia:But this job is much more stressful, and sometimes I feel short of breath. 37, At first, pressure in the heart rises and blood and fluid back up into your lungs. You will feel short of breath and get tired easily. 38, Stop any activity immediately if you feel short of breath, notice irregular heart beats, feel faint or dizzy, or you have chest pain. 39, When I finally came abreast of him I noticed he was very short of breath. 40, Dongsheng closes his eyes and is short of breath, with his hands gripping jackstraws beside him ... 41, COPD-related tissue damage can also make it particularly difficult to expel air from the lungs, which can make you feel short of breath. 42, B : Yes , sometimes I feel short of breath. 43, Take one if you're dizzy or short of breath, okay? 44, Symptoms of malaria infection include short of breath and tachycardia, rather like having anemia. 45, He sees her so plainly still, gray-haired with mouse-bright eyes, a plump little body carrying in the nursery breakfast tray, short of breath from climbing all those stairs.