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61. As you can see, we use the standard event name here an alias for Sys. 62. Hericium erinaceus with alias of monkey mushroom is natured and sweet, benefitting for internal organs, digest and weak. 63. Configure the NFA to the network interface card (configure an alias using ethernet card 0). 64. RAT Register Alias Table. During resource allocation the renaming of logical to physical registers is performed here. 65. Create a new authentication alias, giving it the alias name sfmAlias and the username and password matching the database created. 66. Select the ACCDB2 from the database alias pull-down menu, and in the Database alias field, provide a name for your data source. 67. They eventually settled on J . J . Abrams, the creator of the TV spy show, Alias. 68. Do not assign the same alias name for different design elements. 69. So in this instruction, $sp is the stack pointer (it's an alias for $1). 70. Lt. saint Gordon: Nothing. No name, no another alias. Clothing is... custom. Nothing in his pockets but knives and lint. 71. getCertificateChain() and getPrivateKey() each take the alias as a parameter, and return information regarding the identified certificate. 72. Mr. Smith, (alias, as will be the case with all names) is a tall, slightly paunchy, and extremely proud man of 48. 73. Vitis alias: autumn purple, tiger eye, purple grapes, lions eye. 74. AIX V7.1 adds a code-set alias mapping function to enhance code-set conversion in libiconv. 75. The alias problem is further aggravated by the feature known as serve servlets by classname, which brings us to our next recommendation. 76. Borchert alias Lyssa could be compared to an indie band recording for a corporate mega-label. 77. This will list all certificates in the database by their alias name. 78. Note that the Person::sayHello method implementation creates an alias for the $this special variable and passes that to the closure definition. 79. Furthermore, the symbolic name used by applications and regular users should only be an alias and point to a host name. 80. A dangling alias occurs when two classes each think (mistakenly) that they hold the only writeable reference to a given object. 81. After doing so, you should be able to see the remote database (shown as the name you catalogued) in the Database alias pull-down menu shown in Figure 4. 82. file with it by issuing the following Jarsigner commands, as shown in listings 2 and 3. Here, we leveraged the signing function of Jarsigner by the jarsigner [options] jar-file alias command format. 83. Here is another example of a dangling alias problem, which is very similar to one I recently saw in a server application. 84. Rhetorical devises are various, but those which operate in the increasing process are simile or metaphor, personification, metonymy , euphemism, garble and alias. 85. You must create an alias name for the keyword for programming consideration. 86. listprincs subcommand is an alias for list_principals which lists existing principals in the database. 87. When the AIX code-set conversion function gets a request with non-AIX code set names, the alias mapping function attempts to map suitable AIX code set names for the request. 88. The symbolic name used by applications and regular users should not be any of the host names referenced in Table 1, and they should only use an alias to these host names, as shown in Table 2. 89. The alias code set name support helps minimize code-set name compliance problems and enhance quality on the code set conversion. 90. Conservative alias analysis may introduce many non-definite dependencies, which prevents modulo scheduling from finding a more efficient scheduling result.