快好知 kuaihz

31. It's not often you see a face this hideously deformed outside sci-fi. 32. Their sense of inner emptiness and fear is projected outwards in deformed relationships and actions. 33. Even though the figure was wreathed in shadow, they could see that it was hideously deformed. 34. Progress he argued was held back or deformed by the contradictions between the social relations of production and the forces of production. 35. The desert plants were strange deformed bushes with bizarrely twisted branches. 36. A couple deformed by leprosy came to meet the Sisters, and claimed that Santosh was their child. 37. He reads at high speed, hoarsely swallowing words deformed by an imaginary cigar. 38. What scars deformed him, so that even you, who stand for him in the courtroom, are repulsed by him? 39. In a stress-relaxation experiment, the sample under study is deformed by a rapidly applied stress. 40. In the nine H pylori negative non-uraemic patients, one had erosive duodenitis and another a deformed duodenum. 41. Happened all the time, women witnessing events that deformed their unborn children. 42. Trees and hedges have been deformed by the fierce salt spray and strong sea winds during winter. 43. Naturally we have to add the proviso that the whole series has not been deformed and completely overturned at some later time. 44. The hands are clawed, deformed, seemingly clutching madly or reaching out in desperation. 45. The affected fish had previously been swimming on its head and it spine had become deformed due to its awkward position. 46. For the courts to demand that parents must keep alive severely deformed children against their will is perverse and unkind. 47. Figuring out the structure of the deformed beds requires information about the geometric attitude or orientation of the beds at outcrops. 48. Remove any which are weak, deformed or diseased[.com], concentrating on those which appear healthy. 49. If two tailless Manx cats are mated, the kittens are so deformed that they nearly always die before birth. 50. She had survived polio, but her right leg was weak and deformed, and her right arm dangled loosely. 51. This is the material description: we are following the particle Xi from its initial position to its deformed one. 52. Not so much as a splash or even his oddly deformed head above the water. 53. These metis are always deformed in some fashion. 54. The child has a deformed leg. 55. Abnormal currency identifying function:deformed currency identification, half note identification. 56. Unattractive , deformed , or distorted in shape; misshapen. 57. The main shaft may be deformed. 58. War with Russia has deformed Chechnya. 59. The patient has a deformed spine. 60. It's the people who have been deformed by society I feel sorry for.