simulated造句 211. Carry through the numerical simulated study on the sum of weighted acceleration in dynamic loads identification. 212. The stress field of composite plate subjected to low velocity impact was simulated using finite element soft package of ANSYS. 213. Major and minor loop areas are computed from simulated B / H characteristics and thereby the hysteresis and eddy current components of the measured no-load loss are calcu1ated.英文造句established practicesaxionsomatologymiddle mancarolingparvovirusadrenalhypovolemiatrade restrictionpseudoephedrinedaily expensessuperior vena cavapolymyositiswind vanecaputnormal distributionrepresentative samplethermogramswathingpublic domainplanowiretappinggood-for-nothingsimonmurkinessbalkingkarachilie tocenter on