antecedents造句1. Charles Babbage's mechanical calculating engines were the antecedents of the modern computer.
2. His mechanical calculating engines were the antecedents of the modern computer.
3. We shall first look briefly at the historical antecedents of this theory.
4. Emily is less enthusiastic about her other direct antecedents.
5. The historical antecedents in each case vary.
6. It's a role with its antecedents in Mork - except this planet is not Ork but Manhattan's skid row.
7. The image of mankind transforming nature-with its joint antecedents in Marxism and capitalism-is still dominant.
8. All too often, the antecedents of revolution are separated by more than a human lifespan from their fruition.
9. Remember that antecedents are events that usually precede the problems and consequences usually follow them.
10. It also helps the therapist identify antecedents, prominent physical symptoms, and catastrophic thoughts.
11. Once the antecedents to their overdrinking are established, clients can begin to make systematic changes in these situational factors.
12. Both antecedents and consequences should be open to systematic change.
13. There was a mystery hanging over her antecedents.
14. No one knew the antecedents of the mysterious stranger.
15. They were speaking of their own antecedents, I supposed.
16. Many people feel a great curiosity to find out about their antecedents.
17. But a steep turn, below, reveals a portly frame and dated antecedents.
18. Nevertheless, few literary movements have exhibited such an abiding preoccupation with establishing antecedents in order to defend and define their textual practices.
19. We have already introduced the concept of the manipulation of antecedents and consequences.
20. This general conclusion applies whether the sites had Iron-Age antecedents or developed during the course of the Roman occupation.
21. Indeed, model-interpretive anaphors, unlike ellipses, do not require linguistic antecedents at all.
22. This famous and much-discussed distinction between primary and secondary qualities has historical antecedents in Galileo, Descartes, and Hobbes.
23. Its legitimacy was not based on electoral success but on its revolutionary principles and antecedents.
24. Education business partnerships, though recent in their current form, have antecedents which it would be foolish to ignore.
25. Nomatterhow ethereal they may seem, they do not exist in a timeless limbo but possess determinate antecedents in time and space.
26. It was not mere public relations, but a paper with near-mystical historical antecedents.
27. The extent of the shift registered by these approaches becomes clear when compared with its antecedents.
28. Before suggesting methods of countering the development of tension, careful assessment of the antecedents to cutting should be carried out.
29. It is generally not useful to speculate that such time-removed antecedents are associated with bad behaviour.
30. There were three distinctive characteristics about the archosaurs that paleontologists discovered marked them off from their antecedents.