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151. Method: 54 cases of vascular dementia were typed and treated TQM. 152. The 'centenarian' version raises levels of 'good' cholesterol, cutting the risk of heart disease and, it appears, dementia. 153. The new study followed 323 Boston-area nursing-home residents with advanced dementia for 18 months. 154. A lack of niacin , it caused pellagra, dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia embolism. 155. However, the time of diagnosis of dementia, occurrence time of dementia symptoms had a negative correlation with caretaker's demands. 156. Ms Martin's dementia interferes with her insight and it may be considered acceptable to override her autonomy by reference to the principle of non- maleficence - the requirement to prevent harm. 157. Dizziness, headache, unresponsive, mental decline, mental abnormality, ventilation, hemiplegia, such as dementia. 158. Doing crossword puzzles, reading, and playing cards daily may delay the rapid memory decline that occurs if people develop dementia, according to a U. S. study. 159. Objective To explore the efficacy of Naohuandan capsule in treating senile dementia. 160. "The care for dementia patients right now in this country is suboptimal," says Dr. Boustani. 161. Smoking predispose people to dementia, not protect them as has been suggested in the past. 162. Engaging in a hobby like reading a book, making a patchwork quilt or even playing computer games can delay the onset of dementia, a US study suggests. 163. Objective:to observe the effect of Shenshu-Geshu-Baihui electropuncture on cerebral ischemia, cerebral anoxia and cerebral edema of synthetic vascular dementia mouse. 164. Results For those with dementia praecox , affective disorders, and relapse mania at early hos... 165. Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease, a viral infection leads to rapid and progressive dementia. 166. Newresearch shows people with dementia who have a stroke are more likely to become disabled and not return homecompared to people who didn't have dementia at the time they had a stroke. 167. Previous findings from the same team suggest coffee may ward off dementia, but it wasn't clear whether the effects could be attributable to caffeine or some other compound found in coffee. 168. Alzheimer's disease(AD)is presenile dementia, it is a neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system, and the mechanism of it is not clear. 169. Objective To investigate the feature of P 3 parameter in vascular dementia ( VD ) patients. 170. The vascular dementia model in rats was reproduced by injecting Fe particles into the sublingual vein, after fixing a magnet on the skull surface. 171. What exactly goes wrong with those suffering from senile dementia? 172. And has the fantasy, the photism, the phonism, the aphasia, to lose recognizes, then becomes the senile dementia. ? 173. A study in the current issue of the journal Neurology examined 911 nonagenarian Americans and found that 45 percent of the women had dementia, compared with 25 percent of the men. 174. Scientists in Finland found that the drug galanthamine provides an effective symptomatic treatment for patients with dementia. 175. Effects: While this potion can't cure lycanthropy , it does prevent the extremely dangerous dementia which accompanies the transformation from human into werewolf. 176. Objective To research the clinical effect of fonzylane and hyperbaric oxygen in treating vascular dementia VD. 177. Aim:To observe the effect of Valeriana Officinalis Var Latifolia Miq(VOL)on study and memory ability and pathomorphology change of hippocampal region in vascular dementia model mice. 178. Objective To investigate the effect of eye acupuncture on learning disorder and dysmnesia, and changes in the ultrastructure of hippocampus neurons in experimental vascular dementia (VD) rats. 179. Conclusion: Ability of Chinese characters reading was helpful to estimate premorbid intelligence of the patients with dementia. 180. Pick's disease is a diagnosis of exclusion, and reversible causes of dementia should be sought out first.