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61. Because children blur the boundaries of self, men, who guard their boundaries so vigilantly, feel claustrophobic with them. 62. It is easy, however, for rhetoric about freedom and choice to blur the reality which professional workers encounter daily. 63. What would you envision? Chances are a gray, nondescript blur of motion. 64. Slashes break up paragraphs / like lines of lyrics / and choruses repeat and blur / like a gentle remix. 65. The rest of the tour goes by in a gray, drizzly blur. 66. The swirling wind from my rotors whipped the fatigues of interested watchers to a blur. 67. The hideous blood smear on the window was a running crimson blur in the rain. 68. The apartment loomed up around him as a kind of blur. 69. At 120 knots, between two rows of trees, the world is a green blur. 70. Inclined to be an unpredictable live outing, the Veggies do the business with an energising blur of Neds-ish guitar fodder. 71. Additionally the mouse-based scrolling controls are sensitive, often causing the landscape to blur. 72. Cataloged below are some traits I believe a networked-based economy would exhibit: Distributed CoresThe boundaries of a company blur to obscurity. 73. A blur of rickety shops does heavy business seven days a week. 74. Even so, there were moments when I could feel my face heat up and my eyes blur with tears. 75. The really astonishing thing is how fiction and reality can blur. 76. Critical seminars within the university may sometimes blur this distinction if they contain elements of genuine intellectual exchange. 77. Anwar's arm revolved faster and faster, until it was no more than a blur above his shoulders. 78. These all look like important questions but, once again, the methodology of state-centrism serves to blur rather than clarify the issues. 79. For those who find Christmas suddenly bearing down on them, the build-up to the day is one blur of activity. 80. The line of demarcation between manager and worker will blur. 81. Below, in the garden, she saw the blur of white. 82. Now blur the image slightly-most graphics editors will do this-and save it again with a different name. 83. Or perhaps this is just the wisdom of hindsight, a rosy blur of sentiment cast by nostalgia over the scene. 84. And when the blur does clear, we imagine that we have made it do so all by ourselves. 85. It is less a question of efficiency or cleanliness than a refusal to let past and present blur together. 86. Even more than Sukenick's, Raymond Federman's novels repeatedly blur the boundaries between criticism and fiction. 87. For Sonny, those dramatic events are less than a blur. 88. Whichever direction it may be taking, a monarchy-shaped blur obscures the view. 89. Blur: Against pimples , acne, blackhead, sensitive skin. 90. The racing cars passed in a blur.