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241. I came up with Operation Recipe Retrieve , and that's the name! 242. Paul is then left to choose one box to open to retrieve the mussel. 243. The key point was the central bank issuing banknotes in great amount as it was selling great amount of gold to retrieve banknofes, so making its gold policy inefficacious to control inflation. 244. The MetadataServlet works the same way but has an optional argument that the metadata service implementation can use as a hint to retrieve the metadata. 245. Meantime, Minos determined to retrieve his master craftsman , and raised a fleet to find him. 246. It is inefficient to visually retrieve image on magnanimous remote sensing raster image data base by some GIS spatial query interface. 247. You can also retrieve the username of the user executing the trigger by using the SQL built-in function USER (see the Informix 11.50 SQL Syntax manual, pages 4-71). 248. Second, notice that by using simple object syntax you can retrieve the value of the display element, giving a result like Figure 1. 249. He explained how a diver must grope in dark, freezing water to retrieve oysters. 250. Different user can retrieve data from the database in various view. 251. The merge process could not retrieve the list of subscriptions. 252. XPath provides the expression language necessary to locate and retrieve individual nodes or node collections from the HTML document tree. 253. Simplified Chinese to Pin-Yin Conversion Library – This class library enables developers to retrieve the polyphone, homophone, Pinyin and stroke count properties of Simplified Chinese characters. 254. I'll send the bailiffs down to retrieve the case files. 255. Line 12–24: Check that we can retrieve the list of subscribers and add new ones as well. 256. When users need to analyze or retrieve these data, they must leverage various custom-built tools. 257. The most realistic option is to retrieve as much information as possible from the accounting package and ask for clarifications from the user. 258. When rhamnolipid, together with MG, is served directly to flotate quartz, the rate of retrieve has increased 18 percent than that of quartz when we only use MG to flotate quartz. 259. To retrieve or set information in the IME, an application must first retrieve a handle to the input context associated with a specified window. 260. "Lincoln personally escorted Scott to the Navy Yard, and provided a mortician, casket, and Navy guard" to help retrieve Mrs. Scott's remains, said Milligan. 261. A complete, independent request doesn't require the server, while processing the request, to retrieve any kind of application context or state. 262. It can store and retrieve data at ( very high speed ). 263. To retrieve the latest copy of the list, click Refresh. 264. As the ginkgo is not yet ripe, retrieve the fruit is basically floating head. 265. An access method defines the technique that is used to store and retrieve data. 266. Preloading the cache increases the chances of a cache hit and reduces the need to retrieve data from back-end tiers. 267. The function to retrieve the data from the first element of a list is called car (a name which is a holdover from an ancient assembly language instruction). 268. The typical design problem was captured, and the model of Procedural knowledge retrieve and the index framework was proposed. 269. Exit point of Java functions can not be probed, thus it can not retrieve the return value of a function. 270. You must retrieve the current identity and then use a mapping function to come up with a new identity.