maturity造句91 Investors can build a portfolio of zeros with staggered maturity dates to suit their requirements.
92 These studies of other futures show that the relationship between price volatility and maturity is not clear-cut.
93 The bond market at any time t consists of a number of outstanding bonds with differing maturity dates.
94 He has a toughness and maturity that became the personality of Michigan State's national championship team.
95 She is a married woman of intelligence and maturity with twenty years' experience.
96 To illustrate, consider a discount security with 246 days to maturity with a discount rate of 9.43 percent.
97 For example, if the current price is 103, the bond is not likely to be called until three years before maturity.
98 Other mammals and birds recuperate or grow to maturity in outdoor enclosures.
98try its best to gather and build good sentences.
99 The purchase price will be and the maturity value will be M 100.
100 Leaders must make the effort to consult and correct and encourage so that what may begin in childishness can grow to maturity.
101 Maturity is important to a leader because leading is not simply showing the way or issuing orders.
102 Maturity is the ability to reap without apology and not complain when things don't go well.Jim Rohn
103 This is still true when he says that some of the respondents lacked the emotional maturity to respond adequately to poetry.
104 The Yorkshire Dales national park authority is also to pay a bounty for every peregrine falcon that reaches maturity.
105 As present value increases relative to future value for a given term to maturity, the interest rate declines. 3.
106 Rearing a child to maturity requires large expenditures on the basic necessities of life.
107 The average portfolio maturity of tax-free funds shortened by four days to 47 days.
108 They tend to aggravate rather than improve the poor self-esteem, poor individual coping skills and poor emotional maturity in the primary sufferer.
109 Bonds also have more intricate cash flow patterns than money market securities, which typically involve just a single payment at maturity.
110 The average portfolio maturity of tax-free funds shortened to 51 days from 53 days, according to the newsletter.
111 He brings a maturity, a soundness of judgment and a balance of priorities that would be reassuring in a leader.
112 But eventually, without disturbance, the secondary forest will reach such a state of maturity to be classified as primary.
113 These results show a significant positive effect of maturity on volatility, and this contradicts the Samuelson hypothesis of a negative effect.
114 Believe me, intellectual age has little to do with emotional maturity.
115 Admitting our mistakes is a sign of maturity and wisdom. We learn more from knowing our mistakes.Dr T.P.Chia
116 Zeros offer near certain sums of return at a certain maturity date.
117 Many factors, of which light is only one, limit plant growth to maturity and reproduction.
118 The shorter the average maturity of their deposits, the greater will have to be the liquidity of their assets.
119 It applies only to those reaching pensionable age since April 1978 and will not reach full maturity until 1998.
120 Observations for the last six days before maturity were dropped, as was the period around the October 1987 stock market crash.