快好知 kuaihz

61. A Sunni group, Jundallah ("soldiers of God"), claimed responsibility and said it was a response to "the constant crime of the regime in Baluchistan". 62. A website message from the purported kidnappers Sunday all female Sunni Muslim prisoners in U. 63. Ultimately, all this will likely produce a fragmentation of the country and a proxy war between Saudi-supported Sunni and Iranian-supported Shia, with the Kurds eventually going their own way. 64. Religion: Muslim ( mostly Sunni ) - 94 %; Coptic Christian and other - 6 %. 65. The number of minarets on a mosque indicates whether it is Shiite and Sunni. 66. The neighborhood was a battleground for Shiite and Sunni militias. 67. And after the revolution in 1958, the Sunni military regime followed Arab Nationalist and secularist policies, and thus had more contradiction with the Shi'as. 68. "Accusing a Shi'ite group of killing a Sunni leader leads to a catastrophe, " Ali Khreiss, a Shi'ite MP and ally of Hizballah said Tuesday. 69. Hussein and his unreconciled supporters among Iraq's Sunni minority, there was an explosion of anger. 69.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 70. Abu Ghraib, a hard-bitten town surrounded by lush farmland, is one of the trouble spots for American soldiers facing fierce challenges from both Sunni Muslim insurgents and radical Shi'ite militiamen. 71. Al Dari accuses Iraq's new Shiite - dominated government of arresting, torturing and killing Sunni scholars. 72. Jundallah, the Sunni Muslim group which claimed responsibility for the bombings, says that it is defending the rights of Sunnis inside Shi'ite Iran. 73. One Sunni participating in the political process is Adnan al - Dulaimi. 74. But it found some progress in Sunni insurgents fighting al - Qaeda. 75. But a grim and retributive mood settled over predominantly Sunni areas. 76. Egyptian Sunni caliphs occupied much of north Yemen throughout the 11th century. 77. Why not split the country into Shia , Sunni and Kurdish statelets? 78. Bahrain's Shia Muslim majority has long complained of discrimination and dominance by the Sunni minority, including the ruling royal family. 79. Nearly everyone is Muslim, but in an equally diverse patchwork of Sunni, Shi'ite and Ismaili variants; the latter being a more liberal form of Islam, where the women go unveiled and are less secluded.