defined造句61. In addition, school-to-work initiatives designed for narrowly defined occupations or industries may fail to attract students.
62. Process is defined as the sequence of established activities or procedures used by providers in the delivery of health care.
63. Occupation always defined class and class defined social consciousness and status.
64. These centres will be composed of several research teams, usually local, that focus on defined collaborative projects.
65. He defined a game as a conflict of interests resolved by the accumulative choices players make while trying to anticipate each other.
66. Overall 15 percent of adult females and 12 percent of males defined themselves as carers.
67. It wasn't defined by the Roman Catholic church until 1854.
68. The primary outcome was the occurrence of severe clinical events, defined as death or hospital admission irrespective of the cause.
69. She defined the waist with a wide black leather belt, studded with silver.
70. Einstein and his collaborators had, therefore, to be very careful how they defined what they meant by physical reality.
71. The law of affinity, as defined by the popes, most obviously affected the political marriage-makers, the aristocracy.
72. Procedures for making insurance claims need to be more clearly defined.
73. Everywhere save Britain the constitution is defined as a special category of law.
74. Our conviction is that the term knowledge worker needs to be very broadly defined.
75. Maybe the second term that President Clinton began Monday will be defined by debilitating scandal.
76. Charming and enthusiastic, Crowhurst's life up to the voyage had been defined by crushed aspirations.
77. Section 5.4 is also interesting because the problem it raises cuts across the boundaries of linguistically defined levels of analysis.
78. Southern Arizona is defined, more than anything else, by what is no longer there.
79. Each one provides the balance at the year end for the defined area.
80. The demarcation between black and rust is to be clearly defined.
81. It may seem, so far, that in terms of clearly defined benefits, the client comes off best out of the deal.
82. As a starting point, crime is defined as actions which are contrary to criminal law.
83. The Meaning and Purpose of Regulation Economic regulation might be defined broadly as government interference in what could be a market-based activity.
84. Differences were constantly defined by the polytechnic directors and others in terms of the funding differentials between the two sectors.
85. Some patterns of normal colonic motility have begun to emerge, but specific abnormalities are yet to be defined.
86. It appeared to roll forward and unfold under its own natural momentum, to reach its clearly defined objectives.
87. It can not be boxed into some neatly defined category as economics or sociology or politics or history.
88. A good response to treatment was defined as restoration of continence or a decrease of at least 75% in frequency of incontinence.
89. The relationship between capitalist and wage labourer is defined as an equal exchange.
90. Limestone is defined as a rock which contains at least 50 percent, which nearly always occurs as the mineral calcite.