black market造句31. A prime indicator of future trends in many countries that attempt to manage the rates is the black market rate.
32. Take the black market for foreign luxury cars, Chan said.
33. Instead, black market activities inspire further controls. There is no shortage of suggestions for reform.
34. As the investigation into these bombings continues, it has reinvigorated efforts to learn more about the black market for plastic explosives.
35. When you travel in these countries, never exchange money on the black market.
36. However I would appreciate one of the limited car parking tickets if they are available on the black market!
37. Apart from drugs, detectives believe money is laundered from a variety of black market deals involving arms and high technology.
38. The kind that cost about a hundred dollars on the black market.
39. This in effect recognized and gave official sanction to the thriving black market.
40. They pilfer lesser-known works, usually costing less than $ 300, 000, to sell on the black market.
41. Result: a black market in official government receipts with special stamps.
42. When farmers feel like owners, the theory goes, they will guard against the thieving that feeds the black market.
43. They believe moves to tighten the gun laws even further could result in even more firearms flooding the black market.
44. A crooked civil servant sold hundreds of British passports on the black market, a court heard yesterday.
45. They believe any moves to reduce the number of firearms will only create a black market in illegal weapons.
46. Already I believe there's a black market in human organs.
47. The profit was the difference between the higher black market and lower official rate.
48. You can huckster over prices on the black market.
49. There's a black market in rationed goods.
50. I need to get it on the black market.
51. A black market in import article of clothing.
52. Cybercriminals rent out use of their botnets on the black market.
53. Finally, in the Brazilian capital of Rio, police seized 200 baby parrots, which were destined for the black market. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
54. Milo knows the black market. There is no demand for cotton.
55. For example, Sheik Amar (Alfred Molina), the tax-resisting renegade, provides some comic relief with his illegal ostrich races, his black market double-dealing, and his speeches.
56. The black market was flourishing, everybody was corrupt, in it up to their necks.
57. The communize departmental benefit, personalizepower web, black market of public power exchange and informalityauthority ranks were the typical symptoms of Chinese bureaucratization.
58. He argues that the breakdown in the legal system has spawned a black market.
59. A while ago some fool offered a Matriarch's Whip for sale on the black market.
60. Good quality jeans are only available on the black market in this city.